1: The Contract

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All Aurora felt she could do was stare wide-eyed at the official piece of paper trembling in her tiny hands, each word making her heart race even faster.

Around the room, a sea of whispers came crashing over the small girl as the maids enjoyingly gossiped about the agreement that could not be hidden anymore. Aurora tried her hardest to keep her emotions in but her crystal eyes still managed to rim with tears at what was going to happen.

Tightly she squeezed them shut willing herself not to cry in front of everybody in the throne room. Though at that moment, her heart felt as fragile as glass ready to shatter into thousands of pieces.

"Aurora darling, look up your not a commoner" her auntie's monotone voice echoed and slowly she looked up meeting the lady's icy gaze

From the outside what people could see, was the sight of a small princess shaking with nerves. Her doe eyes welled up with crystalline tears while her nose sniffled. Her long hair partially hid her face  like a curtain, concealing the sight from most people to save Aurora from any more embarrassment.

To be honest she was hardly listening to the words of fake comfort coming out of that lady's mouth. All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wish that this day was all terrible nightmare.

"Aurora I know you're scared but you must do this, the contract has already been signed," her uncle said and she hesitantly nodded

"Y-yes your highness" she hiccuped  "b-but why?"

"You have to step up to the role, Amanda is in line for the throne and how do you expect the next queen to be married to an imperial vampire?" her auntie asked rhetorically whilst coming down from her throne to whisper something in the little princess's ear

"So don't be so selfish my girl and remember the only reason you've been here for the last few years is out of the kindness of my own heart"  she hissed through her layers of cakey make-up.

"O-of course I-i understand" Aurora quietly spoke taken aback by the harshness of the queen's words but nevertheless bowing gracefully and then proceeding to dash out of the throne room.

As she walked through the hall her tear filled eyes took in the familiar place, the portraits of former kings mixed with priceless pieces of art on the gold decorated walls, was it going to be the last time she would see this place?

She gripped onto the skirt of her dress the familiar feeling of sadness bubbling inside.

No. No more. Her stomach hurt and her head felt heavy all she wanted to do was cuddle with her stuffed rabbit and sleep until-.

"Miss we've packed your bags and prepared your travel cloak" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see one of the maids standing there with a bag in one hand and a coat in the other.

Was it already time to leave- it so fast, too fast. The little girl shakily said her thank yous and tried her hardest to put on a smile for the staff.

"C-can I visit my father's grave before I leave?" she asked sadly, thinking back to how she was definitely going to be breaking her promise of laying fresh flowers every week but the maid simply frowned sympathetically and shook her head.

"I'm sorry but the Queen has requested you leave as soon as possible" the maid spoke and the girl just meekly nodded

"O-ok, please tell their majesties thank you for everything they've done for me" she mumbled and the maid accepted

Even though the royals had never truly treated Aurora like family, they had still taken her in after the death of her father, the previous king and that was something she was grateful for. Silently the maid and the girl made their way toward the carriage, the only thought rushing through her head now was her new doomed future.

Hopefully, the prince wasn't as callously cruel as everybody said he was...

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