3: Spilled Blood

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"A fucking marriage contract who does he think he is?" Killian asked incredulously, balling up the letter and throwing it into the fire place. His jaw clenched in anger and he gritted his teeth together, even his friend took a step back from the man that was seething with rage.

"You've gotta relax" Raiden advised but Killian's head was too consumed by the news of the arrangement that he wasn't even listening. Of course the king of the vampires didn't call upon his son for some "quality time"- why would he?

Scoffing Killian sourly muttered " I'm going for walk"  then took heavy strides to try and get away from the outrageous news leaving his friends in the ornately decorated drawing room calling out his name.

As he stormed down the large corridor of the castle the sight of his presence quickly cleared anyone in his path with no one dareing to talk about the new news.

This marriage would formally recognise the union of the human kingdom and the the vampires, making an alliance stronger then the world has ever seen. But what about her, Killian thought. Would she be like all the other princesses who made snide remarks and had snobby attitudes? the ones that made him wish he were dead dead whenever a ball would come around and the most interesting thing they could muster up was some boy gossip, obviously he didn't want to hear about how all the princes in her land swooned after her.

And during his mental conversation was when he got a hint of it

That smell

God what was it

It was intoxicating, like a sweet smelling perfume that had diffused around the room with just a note of metallicness...

His pace quickened and he followed it to the door of one of the locked up prisoners. Why would someone be in here? With determination to find out he pushed it open and was hit with a scent of fresh blood.

Maybe it was predatory instincts or that the smell of crimson liquid only got stronger but within seconds Killian had rushed down the stairs and grabbed the prisoner aggressively by the shoulder, his other hand wrapping tightly around his neck and he began to thrash around trying to release himself from his grip.

Killian only let go when he when finally caught sight of the her.

In the corner of his eye he saw the small human sway dizzily on her feet, a dazed expression gracing her feature and as her knees gave out he caught the crook of her arm pulling her closer so she would fall into his hold rather then the floor...

"How did you get down here little one?" He asked exasperatedly and let out sigh.

As he picked her up, he swept his gaze over her (there was no doubt in his mind that she could have been anything but royalty): she had a delicate, alluring face that radiated pureness while her soft, pink lips enticed, her long eyelashes rested lightly on her cheeks and she seemed effortlessly flawless except for the blood that stained her. Wait blood?!

"Oh Shit..." Killian swore and sucked in a breath

Looking down at her arm where the skin had been broken, his eyes darkened and a thought crossed his mind, the Royal lineage were known for how delicious delectable and divine the taste of their blood was one bite wouldnt hurt, just one


His fangs scratched painfully on the inside of his cheeks bringing him back down to reality.

He had been distracted and now was inwardly cursing himself for his lack of self-control.... Going against his father's wishes so soon would leave no room for forgiveness and the broken alliance would only fuel the war killing millions more.


Shortly after, he reluctantly let her go and placed her gently down on her bed. The warmth from where he held her soon faded away and he glared at the physician when they licked their lips at the sight of the princess's cuts and bruises.

"Don't try anything" Killian scowled distastefully

And the doctor instantly became a blubbering mess nodding and bowing "of course your majesty"

Why was he acting like this? No one had ever made him feel protective, but she seemed so fragile. God he hadn't even talked to her properly! He groaned and walked away trying to forget the memory of her face .

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