10: Her Gaurd

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In a quiet corner of the forest, Killian couldn't help but stare at the surprising sight of the little princess all the way out here. He had just finished combat training when he heard the faint chirping of something in distress and followed the sound until he stumbled upon her.


She had an animal scooped up in her small hands, cradling it with the utmost tenderness. A bird perhaps? He watched on as the princess glanced around, as if she was doing something bad, completely missing the sight of him despite the fact that he wasn't that well hidden, and began to ascend a large oak tree. With gentle, careful movements, she climbed, branch by branch.

Even as she got higher, the angel still looked determined to help. The bird chirped anxiously, and she whispered soothing words to reassure it until she finally reached the nest . Balancing herself precariously on a branch, she managed to place it back in its snug home and smiled with a sense of satisfaction.

God that smile!

He found himself captivated by it. Her enchanting expression radiated warmth and he wanted to see more of it– more of her.

As she began to climb down it looked like one of her hands just couldn't hold her weight and she slipped.

Killian saw it all happen...

Before he even had time to think his reflexes lurched him forward in an attempt to catch her, but instead he found himself cushioning her fall.

How she landed was like Killian, was her new pillow, her tiny hands resting on his uniform clad chest.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He inquired, smirking slightly at the sight of the princess on top of him

"N-no!" She replied looking at Killian in shock "wait it's you!" a light shade of pink tinted her cheeks.

"Are you that surprised to see me again?" He asked while his eyebrow shot up in amusement from her reaction

She nodded her head and then realisation flashed over her face, she quickly scrambled off him from her previously straddling position to sit by his side instead.

"I'm so sorry" She brushed her hair back away from her face and picked a loose leaf out "are you alright?"

"Im fine angel. But next time when you want to see me, just ask. You don't have to put yourself in danger"

(Aurora: He thinks I did it on purpose......) She flushed with shame, "I-I wasn't t-trying to–"

Killian couldn't help but chuckle at her. She was so god damm innocent. He wouldn't be caught dead laughing with anyone else...

"Relax sweetheart" he propped himself up on one of his elbows to be able to look at her better. "I know"

Aurora sighed with relief "You know yesterday I thought you were a guest, I didn't think we would meet again" she admitted twisting some strands of her hair nervously.

Killian froze in shock. She didn't know who he was.

"So do you work here?"...

No wonder she wasn't either trembling terrified or completely throwing herself at him desperately. He should have know better there were only a few people in the world who acted naturally around him and if he told Aurora who he truly was she would definitely act differently. No not yet, he wanted to know Miss Sunshine and Roses more...


"-I've been assigned as your bodyguard"

Sweet BloodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora