12: Helping the Hybrids

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"K-killian" she mumbled softly, trying out his name.

It suited him

Quickly her mind snapped back to the poor lady outside and without thinking she rested her hands against his chest and tugged on his shirt "Killian please"

Her does eyes met his scarlet ones which flickered with something she couldn't discern but still she continued "We have to help her. I can't believe the guards hit that lady, she could be hurt, or worse dead! Oh no whose going to look after the hybrids, they'll be all alone: hungry, starving, dying even! I-"

Killian looked stunned by the Aurora's stressed rambles and took one of the princess's tiny hands and brought it up to his face, placing a feather light kiss to her palm.

She felt her stomach flip. Suddenly a sanctuary for butterflies.

"Breathe Angel or you'll faint..." she took a deep breath in and forced herself to not think about the way he made her feel

And instead focused on giving him the best puppy dog eyes she could muster

It was obvious that he was trying to look away but she pulled on his shirt again until he grunted "Go back to your room Angel, I'll handle it for you"


Go back to her room! No way!!!  Yes the sound of his voice did make her legs feel wobbly however Aurora wasn't just going to sit on her but for the rest of the day and not attempt to help! Not when she knew she could make a difference.

Rushing down the service stairs two at a time, she then ran into the kitchen meeting Malaya and Omari who were cleaning up.

Omari was the first to turn around and with a burst of joy ran over to Aurora and gave her a heartfelt hug, grateful for her help.

"Did the mum come back for the bird?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with hope.

"Yep I put her back in the nest and the mum was there" she assured and returned his hug whilst smiling back at malaya who had mouthed a silent thank you

"But Omari I need you help" she said and grabbed him gently by the shoulder as if asking him on an important mission

"Of course anything"

"Can you cook?"

Back in the Soare kingdom when she was younger, cooking with her father was one Aurora's favourite activities. They would spend ages making loafs of bread and baked goods to give out to the people who were not as fortunate... but that was so long ago.

And finally one evening later, after so much food had been made the princess was finally ready. All the donuts, muffins and cakes she could carry were packed. Malaya had the described the route into town, down to the smallest detail, yet Aurora still couldn't help but frown when she told her that they were not prohibited from leaving the castle.

"I'm so sorry Aurora... going out means I risk losing this job but if you need me I'll come"

Aurora shook her head. No absolutely not... she wasn't going to risk her friends for her own wants "I think I would die of boredom if you guys got fired"

Malaya gave another small grateful smile and then a look of realisation flashed over her face "oh remember you have to come back before sundown, they lock the castle and I don't think there would be a way to get back in"

"Ok so don't get distracted by the flower shop and turn into that street and come back before sundown, got it! See you soon"

And with that she headed to the back entrance of the castle on her way to town.

I hope your enjoying the story so far and
Thank you so much for reading

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