14: New Celebrations

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Cinnamon rolls,

Strawberry Shortcake,

Crème Brûlée Donuts,


Chocolate Chip Cookies,
Che-"Oh my gosh, I lost the cookies!" Aurora fretted, placing her basket down on the counter and beginning to look through all of the stacked baking trays.

This is why she went through the list. It wasn't purposeful, but still, sometimes after just placing something down, she would completely forget about it.

The small sound of a crunch came from behind, and the two girls turned around. "Hmm, I think I know why," Malaya suggested, wiping the crumbs off her brother's cheeks and taking the tray out of his hands.

Aurora couldn't help but laugh. "It's okay, you definitely deserve some, Omari. You've helped so much," she praised and passed him another one before sliding them into a box and tying it off with a pink ribbon.

So far, their plan had been going perfectly these last few days. Aurora would sneak out of the castle into the city, where the orphanage was, and drop off the sweets. The children were so tiny! And seeing them so happy made her smile. It reminded her of home when she would bake mini muffins for all of the guards.

The memory made her smile falter.

"Okay, Aura, you remember the way, right? After turning right off the main path, take two lefts, then a right just before the pawn shop. The backstreets can be a little complicated, but it's safer for you this way. And you have to come back before they lock the gates," Malaya reminded her.

Aurora somewhat nodded, trying to engrave the directions in her brain until she was grasped into a hug. "I'm sorry I wish I could go with you," Malaya whispered, and Aurora hugged her back.

"I know, but if you come, the guards will find you, and you'd be punished. They need as many people as they can for tonight's celebration."

"What, so that even more workers can watch the nobles party while drinking excessively as the crescent of their blood moon is revealed?"

"Mhm, it's important in their culture," Aurora hummed and reached down to grab one of the books in her bag, her hands flipping to the page of importance.

'In the tapestries of vampire lore, the emergence of the Blood Moon is whispered of in hushed tones, a harbinger of dark desires and heightened potency. As the Earth's shadow drapes the moon in a cloak of crimson, it is said that the early kindred were gripped by an insatiable thirst for blood, their primal urges amplified to a sinister crescendo. Over time, this crimson eclipse has morphed into a tradition among the night-dwellers. Beneath its ominous glow, they gather in silent reverence, casting aside ancient vendettas to pay homage to the celestial spectacle which only appears every 20 years. Thus, the Blood Moon stands as a beacon of unity tinged with foreboding, a symbol of ancestral tradition veiled in the darkness of their eternal thirst.'

"But of course, now their kind is more evolved, changed in their ways," she shut the book gently and blew off the dust from the front cover. "They're able to handle their higher desire for blood and channel it into further short-term strength, which is why it's so remarkable!"

"Well, I hope their attitudes don't get any stronger. Nobles are already annoying enough on their own," Malaya exclaimed, slumping against the kitchen counter.

Aurora's mind wondered to Killian, did he have the same opinions about nobles? About her? Maybe that was why she hadn't seen him since that day and it stung a little in her heart to think about that.

But it was quickly changed as Malaya saw the look on her face. "But not you, I can tell you really do care, Aura. It's obvious for anyone to see that your best interest lies in others' happiness, and it's why I admire, but also worry for you. I-"

"Drinks are to be served now!" A loud voice boomed from the end of the service corridor, and Aurora took it as her sign that she had to go, or she wouldn't make it out of the palace.

Thank you for reading
I promise next update will be super soon :3

/) /)
( •. •)
( づ🍪 you want it

(\ (\
(• .• )
yes U U)

/) /)
( •. •)
( づ🍪 you can have it

/) /)
( •. •)
🍪⊂) sike

/) /)
( •. •)
( づ🍪 fine just one bite

(\ (\
(• .• )

(eats it all)

/) /)
( •. •)
(UU) heh shoulda known

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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