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The dorm in which Ethaline and Pansy take residence in was going crazy with girls scrambling to do their makeup and such. Ethaline and Pansy stuck together, surviving the storm of girls with class as they spoke and had tea by their beds and got ready.

Ethaline dabbed a bit of highlighter on her cheeks, to make them glow even more. "I'm happy for you." Ethaline said as she focused, "Draco is complicated, but he likes you."

Pansy blushed slightly, "It's about time he fucking realized it." She whispered, playing with their matching silk robes except Pansy's was green and Ethaline was silver.

"You know how daft boys can be." Ethaline replied, blowing on her face lightly.

Pansy looked at her, "What about you? Any daft boys?" She asked, her eyebrows going up in a suggestive and teasing manner.

Almost immediately Ethaline thought back at her interaction with Harry Potter and scolded herself for it. She had been touch deprived, she thought, so it made sense that she thought of that moment.

"No daft boys." Ethaline confirmed, "Besides, you know Draco."

Pansy sighed as Ethaline stepped back and admired her work. "Beautiful! You'll look beautiful—even more then you are now." Ethaline said before Pansy pushed her down so she can sit.

"Now It's your turn."

Pansy worked on her, putting minimal makeup on as she insisted that Ethaline was naturally beautiful—which she didn't believe. Ethaline always thought that out of the two Pansy was the most stunning. Her beautiful green eyes, short hair, foul mouth, petite body, prominent cheek bones and knack for trouble made her the more desirable towards boys and girls.

Ethaline thought she was rather dull. Her blonde hair was always in a braid or tucked away, her skin was hardly flawless, her cheeks were sunken in but not like Pansy's, her height frightened boys, and she was...boring. She did what she was told, never did anything exciting or different.


As soon as Pansy was done, she moved on to do her hair and told Ethaline to close her eyes, which she immediately did and let her do what she wanted to her. Pansy knew well that she never let her hair down unless she was going to bed and with that being said she placed gold structures in, pinning it softly before letting her wavy hair flow freely.

Pansy removed her hands from her face and made her look into a mirror with a slight a bow on it. Ethaline frowned, "I don't.... understand." She whispered.

Pansy smiled and hugged her for. Behind, "The mirror is enchanted, to compliment you and love you the way you should love yourself." She spoke.

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