Chapter 74: War

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Mal's POV

I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish we would be on the same side. I wish you would let go of your fear and understand that I'll stand by you, every step of the way.

But no. You aren't on our side. You are fighting against us. Against me. And I wish it hadn't been that way.

Nevertheless I will be with you, and love you, because I don't think I could stop. Because we are better than Catherine and Heathcliff. Because our young souls are the same. I love you.



I rushed over to the Slytherin dorms in an attempt to find Draco. When did I last see him? Three? Four hours ago? Four. It was definitely four. Why the hell didn't he come downstairs with the others though? I went into his dorm and found him sprawled on the bed, strands of hair covering his face, sleeping peacefully. You truly are gorgeous amor. But you slept through that?! How? I glanced at his bedside table and saw the vial of the Sleeping Potion. He drank it. He didn't want to have a nightmare.

I moaned slightly in pain when I felt a sting in my left forearm. I lifted up my sleeve and saw it, the mark, incredibly dark. He's calling me. Calling us, I'm assuming. Great.

"Draco, Draco. Wake up." I shook him softly. He didn't stir. The pain in my left forearm intensified. Shit. This is it. This is the time. This is war. "Draco! Wake up!" I yelled in his ear and he sat up straight immediately, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What baby? What is it?"

"It's time." I told him, rubbing my hand across the lines from sleep on his cheek.

"Time?" I nodded to him, the terrified expression on my face must have given it away. "Oh." He said simply, covering his face with his hands and running his hand through his hair. The way his hair fell, the way his left cheek had marks from deep sleep, the way his eyes were a little red from just having woken up, all of his features right now showed off one thing: how young he is. I probably looked the same way, all of us in this castle probably look the same way, if not younger. We are too young to fight. We can't fight right now.

Draco saw my worries and placed a hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently, before getting up and putting his shirt on. I've gotta do this. I have to help my friends and save my boyfriend's life, all the while trying to stay alive despite how all the other death eaters, including my birth father, will probably be out for me for betraying them. You're only 18 once, right? I laughed a pitiful laugh to myself as I took off the uniform I had on, which always left me feeling sad since his scent would go away without having his button up shirt on. I put on my black jeans, a black tank top, and my leather jacket, making sure the sleeves covered what many people still didn't know. I felt a soft kiss on my cheek and smiled slightly.

"I'm ok Draco, don't worry about me."

"But I do. Nothing about this is 'ok' Kat, you don't have to pretend it is. This..." he traced his finger over the mark on my left forearm, "is a death sentence, and I know it better than anyone. Please be careful. This is going to get very bad, very quickly. You have to promise me you'll be careful."

"Only if you promise me you will be too. And please, promise me you'll fight for the side you believe in, not the one everyone is telling you to fight for." He shifted uncomfortable at my comment, he knows I'm right.

"If you worried about me turning in Potter, don't worry. I won't. I won't have you hating me the rest of our lives." He replied truthfully.

"If we survive..." I made the mistake of saying and Draco turned to me, with a sad look on his face.

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