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grr shorter chapter day but I have something bigger planned for tomorrow. 

Dream and Sapnap both walked out of the bathroom soaked. " How- How did you manage that? " George laughed hysterically. Dream pouted while Sapnap snuggled his face up to Skechers.

" Sapnap splashed me so I splashed him back and became war. " As if to confirm this, Skechers quacked noisily.

" Skechers is the cutest thing I've ever met. " Sapnap cooed as he pet the fluff ball.

" Well then clearly you've never met George. " Dream blurted without a second thought, George's face turned pink as he looked down shyly.

Sapnap's looked up at him for a moment, clearly challenging his words before giving in. " Okay. I give it to you, that was uncalled for and adorable. " George made a loud flustered noise and hid his face behind his hands. Dream chuckled and glanced at the brunette.

" I would hug you but I don't think you would like it. " Dream chuckled, motioning to his hoodie, which was a shade darker than usual from the water.

George nodded appreciatively and looked up at the duckling with a grin. " Hi Skechers " he cooed, snatching the tiny bird from Sapnap and placing ( Them, him or her? ) on the bed.

Skechers hopped around in a circle, quacking and making other tiny noises. George giggled softly.

" Dream! " George exclaimed excitedly, catching the blonde's attention. He hummed in acknowledgement while digging around in a bag in hopes of finding a tiny bowl or something.

" Look! " George chirped, watching the tiny bird happily prance about on the bed.

" Aww. " Dream cooed. Sapnap was sitting against the bed, taking a video of the happy baby duck.

George glanced over at him.

" If you plan on posting that make sure there's music over our voices or something. " He said, the noirette nodded.

He stopped recording and stood up. Stealing George's notes off the desk. " I'm going to the store to pick stuff we need up. " He said as he walked out the room.

Dream gave up on searching and instead lay on the bed. Skechers naturally clambered up his back.

Patches sat on her windowsill, eyeing the duck with a clear glare. " You touch Skechers and I will end you. " Dream warned the feline coldly, glaring venomously back. She gave a huff and turned her head.

George giggled as the duck pecked at Dream's ears. Dream tried to glance over at it but it was pretty difficult. George started to laugh, clearly amused by the tiny animal.

A smile uncontrollably made its way onto Dream's lips. He hummed quietly as George rambled about how cute Skechers was and how much he loved the duckling.

Dream drowsily lowered his head into his arms and quickly found himself asleep.

He woke up in what he now knew was a dream state but was puzzled when he realized he was playing on his stomach in the same position. He quietly moved Skechers off his back and Skechers looked up at him with big, innocent, confused eyes.

He shrank down into his blob form and flopped onto the floor, tumbling with an audible 'oof.'

He quickly grew bigger as the duck launched itself off the bed after him, he barely caught Skechers and carefully lowered the duckling to the ground.

He quietly sat up and hopped out of the room, the duckling following after him. He paused, hearing quietly snarling from one of the rooms. He turned and headed in the direction of that room. He was met with a horrific creature he could unfortunately recognize as himself.

The large, hollow eyes bore down on his tiny form. It's giant claws looked like they had been dunked in paint. Dream gave an alarmed squeak and grew bigger, towering over the beast while making sure to protect Skechers. They couldn't hurt Skechers. In his dream state the tiny pet was all he had left.

The beast roared at him and he tilted his head before squeaking back.

Skechers quacked from behind him.

That seemed to catch the monster's attention. It lunged at Skechers without a moment of hesitation and Dream intercepted with an angry chirp, growing clawed hands for himself to fight back. He aimed a slash at the monster's face and the monster aimed a blow at his shoulder. THey both stumbled back upon impact.

Monster Dream was screeching horribly while blob Dream hunched over with a pained squeak.

He noticed the color running down his side was neon green. Just like his hallucinations.

He shook his head and guarded Skechers again, growling at the monster.

Suddenly Dream snapped awake. George was cradling the duck beside him, his other hand tangled in his blonde hair.

" Morning sleepy head. " George chuckled. Dream's eyebrows raised slightly.

" How long was I out? " He asked as he watched the duckling snooze peacefully in the shorter boy's arms.

" Like a couple of hours. " George replied with a shrug. Dream sat up slowly, holding his head.

'That was a weird dream, but at least it wasn't as traumatizing.' He thought hopelessly.

Hi y'all. 

They're keeping the duck obviously lol 

Any gender ideas for the duck? She, he, or they? 

That's all for today.  I've been pretty boring lately haha. 

Love y'all!!!

Moony <3

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