Christmas pictures

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Leilanis pov: it was a week until Christmas and we were all going crazy. We decided to get family Christmas pictures done. Bad idea.

We had to leave in a hour and the only people ready were Selene and Natalie. Billie was arguing with the twins for the 5th time today and Camila was doing absolutely nothing.

I didn't really care about the arguments right now because i still had to get ready myself. We decided to do that cutesy Christmas pajama shit so all I really had to do was my hair and makeup.

Considering all we had to do was change into some matching pjs it was taking everyone too long to get ready. I mean, how difficult is it to put on some pants and a shirt?

I was almost done with my makeup until I heard Natalie start crying, Fuck.

I yelled so she could hear me

She didn't respond but I could hear her walking into the nursery. I quickly finished my hair and makeup then left to go check on the kids.

I walked into Marco and Ajs room, they were ready and dressed just chillin on their phones. Finally someone was ready.

Now time to go deal with the most difficult child ever. Camila. I sighed and walk over to her door. I stood there debating whether If I should deal with her, or... let Billie deal with her.

I decided to go with my second option. I walked over to Natalies room to get Billie. I walked in and saw her sitting in the rocking chair asleep with Natalie asleep in her arms.

Of course only she would do this.

"Billie get your ass up!" I rocked her shoulder and she hummed in response.

"Go deal with our difficult daughter, I'll take the baby"

She didn't say anything, she was still asleep.

"Fine, I'll go do it then!"

"Highlighter lookin ass bitch" I mumbled

"What'd you say?" She lifted her head up and looked at me

"Oh so now you wake up?" I rolled my eyes and walked back to Camilas room.

I opened the door to see her laying on her bed scrolling through her phone.

"Do you need some help?" She looked up from her phone

"Yes, I need you to get dressed"

"Ughh, why do we even have to take these stupid family pictures? We all know it's not gonna go well"

"You know what, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with a 14 year old. If you aren't dressed in the next 15 minutes I'm taking your phone away. End of conversation" I walked out before she could respond

I went to go check on Selene, but when I got to her room she wasn't there.

"Selene! Where are you!"

"She's with us momma!" Marco yelled back

I peeked my head into there room. There she was laying down on her iPad. I sighed and went to check on Billie for the second time.

Of course she was still asleep.

"I'm not playing with you anymore! Get your ass up!"

"Ok damn! I'm awake"

I grabbed Natalie and walked downstairs.
I still needed to pack her diaper bag.

I quickly grabbed everything then buckled the baby in her car seat.


After about 5 minutes everyone walked down the stairs. Billie and Camila with their resting bitch faces, Marco and aj not seeming to care, and Selene with a smile on her face.

They all just stood there looking at me.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

All of the kids walked out the door and into the car while Billie helped me get Natalie.

"You were absolutely no help" I mumble and grabbed the diaper bag

"I'm sorry baby"

she hugged me from the back and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"It's whatever. Let's go!"

And finally we were out the door.

Word count- 691

a/n- Hey bitches, I pulled an all nighter and got bored so I wrote this 😛
Anyways.. merry Christmas Eve if you celebrate!

I'll probably be back after New Years 🤠

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