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*ahem ahem* I'm on the hospital bed they just injected me with weird yellowish syrup. How I got here?

Well, yesterday my teacher walks up to me. "hEy bUdDy tOmOrrOw iS dA lAsT dAy oF sChOoL aAnD I sEe yOu hAvEnt sUbMitTed yOur hW yOu hAve 66 pAges gOod LuCk" so I had to do 66 pages of math hw in one night. I skipped my dinner to save time and didn't have breakfast to continue doing my hw. I had 3 and a half hour to sleep and I had basketball practice. We practice while wearing shorts and T-shirts in -3 Celsius so I got cold and fainted so now I'm in the hospital I have a flight in 4 days (ik coronavirus but my dad loves traveling and he won't stop this year either smh) I have fever my throat hurts my vision gets blurry wow the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!

Aight. Thanks for reading my useless rant with thousands of grammatical errors. Y'all wasted your time.

See you in the next chapter!

*flips hair dramatically*

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