Kageyama Tobio🎁 -N

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This was supposed to be posted on the 22nd but I haven't had inspiration recently (authors note at the bottom)

Title: Walking through a winter wonderland

Snow gently fell to the ground

The soft sound of chalk against the blackboard

Students occasionally passing in the hallway

School was almost out for break, and in the last period of the day everyone was at the edge of their seats waiting for the bell to ring.
You of course being on of those kids even if it wasn't very visible. You wanted to get out and spend some time with your boyfriend, Kageyama, as your taking down the teachers note with the small doodles on the edges of the page the bell finally rung. Almost Everyone bolted up from there seat grabbing there stuff and leaving, either walking alone, with friends, or some even with their partners.

"Yo L/n-san you walking with Kageyama?" a voice called out, your classmate Niki called out to you. She was a really nice but didn't focus on things like sports or relationships, simply nodding at her confirming her question she just nodded back and then turned back to her friend William.
In through the door walked the familiar black haired setter, he made his way over to your desk standing infront of you.
After you picked up your bag laying the strap on your shoulder, looking up towards the tall male.
"Ready to go?" You asked, he nodded doing a 'give me' with his hand a blush on his face, you grab his hand intertwining your fingers with his.

Walking out of the class, down the stairs bumping into your upper class-men Sugawara-senpai and eventually out the school into the cold winter air the fresh layer of snow making it look almost magical. Walking hand-in-hand through the beautiful but cold, winter wonderland your cheeks rosey from the cold when a soft kiss was placed on one of them.
Looking over to the smiling male, it wasn't forced or cruel, sure it was a tad silly but you gotta give the boy some credit.

"Well aren't you being loving" he chuckled at your words, "yeah i guess your just too beautiful with this scenery" you bring your hands up kissing the outside of his hand smiling at him.

"I wouldn't trade this moment for anything"

- - -
HoLo their! Didn't want to make a whole A/n chapter so I'll just put this here.
One hopefully you all had a wonderful couple days with the holidays,
Anyway I won't be posting for awhile just a tad bit stressed

Im still taking requests just they won't be out as fast terribly sorry

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