Fly to my room

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*****Y/N's POV*****

You wake up to the sound of someone knocking softly on the door. Your eyes are foggy and you have no idea where you are or what time it is. 

The clock on your bedside table says it's 7 pm, you look over yourself and you're still fully dressed with your shoes on. You must have been so tired from the stress that you just passed out on the bed. 

Slowly, you get up and walk over to see who it is. As soon as you open the door, you are swept into a soft, warm hug. 

From the sweet, floral smell, you already know it's Jimin. 

He holds you silently for a few seconds, tightening you against his toned body. 

"Are you okay?" he asks in a worried tone. 

"I'm fine," you reply, breathing in his sweet scent.

"I heard about today, I promise you, we are going to fix this," he says, stepping back slightly and cupping your face. He strokes your cheeks with his thumbs and looks at you with sad, determined eyes. 

"I know you will," you smile, knowing that they would do anything in their power to help you. 

He closes his eyes for a moment and when he opens them again, he gives you a bright smile. 

"Let's cheer you up shall we?" he offers, grabbing a duffel bag from the floor, closing the door and dragging you by the arm towards the bed, "first things first, you need to put your PJ's on! We can't have a pyjama party without them!" 

"Pyjama party?" you laugh, "I didn't realize we were having one." 

You look at him and realize he is in his pyjamas, he's wearing blue and white plaid bottoms and a navy hoodie and some slippers. He looks adorable.

"We are, now shall I get them for you or do you want to?" he asks, a smirk lighting up his lips. 

"I'll get them," you say, walking over to your chest of drawers to get them. 

"Wait," he calls, "umm...I was wondering if, maybe you could-" 

He blushes slightly and runs his hands through his hair, you love it when he does that, it's oddly alluring. 

"If I could...?" you question. 

"If you could maybe use one of my T-shirts?" he mumbles, looking shyly at the floor. 

You weren't expecting that at all. His t-shirt, for your pyjamas? Wow, did you somehow slip into a dream? 

He looks up at you expectantly, waiting for your answer. Damn, he is cute. 

"Of course, why not?" you say, letting out a nervous breath. 

His face lights up completely, his eyes turning to slits with his wide smile. A small giggle escapes him which causes you to smile too. He's too adorable. 

"Great!" he exclaims, bending over to take a large orange t-shirt out of his bag, you recognize it, fans sold it out the day that he first wore in in public. 

As he hands it over to you, your fingers graze his lightly which sends tingles up your arm. 

"I'll be right back," you say, grabbing some pyjama bottoms and heading to the bathroom. 

While you're in there, you brush your teeth and comb through your hair. You check to make sure your face isn't smudged with any makeup too while you're at it. Even though you've spent evenings in your room with Jimin before, you feel nervous today. 

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