Part 45

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Having another party is nerve-wracking. The last party was halted by the people behind the orange flower, who may be or may not be my parents, and I want this one to go smoothly for Heath. The time I had hoped to get to know Heath better, was preoccupied with Heath and I being pulled in different directions. Me by Tamara to her closet again, and Heath by his father to talk over some things

Tamara kept me occupied with picking out dresses, but I had lost the excitement from the last time and didn't really care what I looked like at first, but with the mention of Heath, I perked up at the thought. Heath would see me, and I wanted to look good for him. I soon started to care about what I looked like and picked a baby pink dress to really make my eyes pop. Knowing the significance behind the eyes and the pasts that they saw and the memories they held, it was even more important for me to make them the focus of my outfit. I made sure my makeup was understated but did outline my eyes in a dark pencil Tamara lent me. By the end, I was pleased with how I looked.

I denied Tamara's offer of a pair of her heels, still healing from the crash, and instead played it safe with a pair of flats. No hazard of tripping and my feet wouldn't be sore by the end of the night.

When Tamara and I ventured out into the house again, and down the grand stairs, the house was completely changed from the normal pack house, to how I remember it on the first night. Decorated ready for a party. If anything, there were even more decorations up around the house, even at the short notice.

The decorations weren't the sort to come from a local party shop, which would have been easily accessible to get at short notice, but rather a high-end boutique. Flowers were everywhere, none of them orange thankfully, and stood under a flower arch was Heath, his back to me.He was welcoming guests who came into the house, and Tyler was standing beside him and even from the back of his head, I could tell he was beaming with pride. It must be the way he was standing. Back straight, chest puffed out. My eyes go to Geraldine next to him, and she's standing just as straight, but it's nowhere near proud.

I step off the last step and Heath fleetingly looks over his shoulder at me, clocking it's me before turning fully. He walks up to me, lifting his arm to me, his elbow pointed in my direction. I smother a smile as I take his arm, following him back to Tyler and Geraldine. Geraldine is giving me a disgusted look as normal, but thinking back to Tyler's conversation earlier, I decide to try and mend our relationship a bit and offer her a smile in return. Nothing sarcastic about it either.

I glance over my shoulder to Tamara who has excused herself, sending a grin in my direction.Heath leans into me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You're not looking so bad yourself," I counter. And he isn't. He's wearing a suit, that follows his body elegantly. He looks smart and just like an alpha. His face, and his beautiful eyes, are what really draws me.

"Marcus," Tyler greets beside me. "Thank you for coming at such short notice."

"We were in the area," the man replies, and Heath nudges me to suggest that I pay attention to the conversation.

"You know my wife Geraldine, and my son, soon to be Alpha, Heath." The man, long dreads falling down his back, bows to Geraldine, before doing the same to Heath beside me. Heath allows him to stand and takes his hand, greeting him warmly.

"This is my mate, Trixie," Heath introduces, motioning in my direction. "I guess that means she's soon to be your Luna, as well." The words catch me off guard. Luna to the pack, and more importantly to the shifter race. The feelings that arise aren't quite what I thought they would be. Some of them are worry and fear, but there's also excitement and the sense of returning to a profession you've done already. And I guess I have. It's something I've done before, so in a weird way, I know I can do it again.

"Trixie, what a pretty name," the man says bowing to me.

"Oh, uh, you don't have to do that," I object. The man rises, his warm eyes meeting mine.

"My apologies, Luna." Luna. The word sends me into a spin, and I get flashes of the past before my eyes, but they don't stay for too long, so I can't focus on them enough to really see when and where I am.

"I- uh..."

"Thank you, Marcus, I'll catch you inside," Heath says, dismissing him politely. When he leaves, Heath turns in my direction.

"You alright?" he asks.

"What? Yes." Why is he asking?

"You're not regretting being my mate yet," he jokes, but there is seriousness in his question.


"Good, you'll get used to it. You've always been a bit weird about people bowing," he tells me, leaning into my side, and whispering the fact. I chuckle, accepting the hand that Heath offers me.

The next half an hour is taken up with people being introduced to me, and I hate to say it but it got boring pretty quickly. The number of people and the number of bows got tiring soon enough, and Heath promised me it wasn't the first time I had felt this way, and I doubt that it would be the last.

Happy Holidays! I am so sorry for the delay! I hope you liked it!

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CC ;)

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