11 - How Could I Go On Without You?

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Emma didn't understand before, but she could now. She understood everything. She knew that humans were hopeless, even before she became a host and shared a mind with the alien inside of her. She knew they were all screwed, but the hive was going to help them, help all of humanity.


She didn't want to become part of the hive at first, but after her pointless fight against them, she became one of them and finally understood. She had scratches, severe bruising on her sides, and a couple of small stab wounds from a pocket knife, but the only obvious wounds were the bruises around her neck. She could easily bandage the small little knife punctures and hide the blood that had turned into a weird purple substance due to the missing of blood. She didn't really know if that was really possible with regular old human blood, but the blue blood seemed absolutely fascinating. 

Fucking gross, get out of my body! Get out of my head!

Emma knew she didn't have a lot of time. She knew that eventually her wound was going to take in even more spores, then the alien would fully take over. Then everything would be okay, everything would be perfect soon.


But Emma needed to deal with someone else. Paul. She was already on her way to his house, she just needed to convince him to come with her and then they could be together, together forever the way it should be. On the new Earth, in the new America, the new Hatchetfield. Together. 

Fucking stop, this isn't right.

Emma felt the excitement build in her as she knocked on Paul's door. They would live in a perfect world together, she just had to convince him. Take him with her, to real safety.

No, it's trickery, it's lying!

Emma knocks on the door, pushing the smile off her face to one of fear. She knew she was good at faking emotions, being an actor. She had plenty of experience. 

"Emma?" Paul exclaims. "What are you doing outside, come in!"

Paul grabs her arm and pulls her inside, looking over her with concern, most likely searching for any injuries. Luckily, there weren't too many bruises on her neck. By the time they really started to form Paul would already be a part of the hive. 

"No, Paul I need you to come with me," Emma says, taking a step back. "There's somewhere we can go, to be safe. Uh, P.E.I.P? They have a helicopter coming and I know where they're landing. Come with me, Paul."

"O-Ok, but we'll need supplies," Paul stutters, looking stunned. 

Paul turns around to head into what looks like the kitchen. Emma lets him, only because she knows that she can convince him to be with her, and if she can't his weapons won't phase her. She hears a click and the squeak of a door. After some shuffling noises, she hears another click and a squeak.

Dammit, get out of my body you freak!

Paul emerges from the kitchen with a baseball bat and a small pistol. 

"Didn't see you as the type to carry a gun, Paul," Emma laughs. 

He shrugs. "You know how to use it?"

"Yeah, my dad taught me when I was younger."

"Really?" Paul looks surprised. 

"Yeah, don't look so surprised. Most guys who know how to use one learn at like twelve or something, right? Hunting purposes?" Emma raises her eyebrows. 

"I guess so. Actually, my friend Ted taught me how to use this when he got it for me as a Christmas present a few years back. No idea when or where he learned it, though."

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