Part 9

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Dorian wrapped up their family meeting fairly quickly, stating that they have a busy day ahead of them tomorrow and that they all need sleep. Clarissa bid her family goodnight and they split off into their own wings; Clarissa and Damon retiring to the east wing while Dorian and Celeste retiring to the west wing. Giving her brother one last smile, Clarissa entered her room and tiredly hopped into bed.

It was a restless night for her, not used to her bedroom. It bothered her to no end that she seemed to be looking for James' warmth throughout the night, that the warming charm was unhelpful to her. Although James' offer echoed in the back of her mind, she didn't want to be one of those clingy girlfriends who can't live without their boyfriends. Instead, she laid in her bed and just closed her eyes and waited for sleep to take her. It worked, although she found herself waking up every other hour throughout the night. When Clarissa saw the first ray of sun shining through her window, she gave up trying to sleep and went ahead to start her day.

Clarissa freshened up in her bathroom and made her way down to the kitchen for some tea and a light breakfast. Seeing that it was only half past six in the morning, she didn't want to bother their house elf Della for something as simple as tea. To Clarissa's surprise, a cup of tea was waiting for her once she reached the kitchen along with a slice of toast and jam. She saw a house elf, Della she assumed, bustling around. She gave Della her thanks and happily began munching on her toast. One by one, the rest of her family woke up, though Damon was quite groggy still. It was a quiet breakfast, no one in the mood to talk yet seeing at how early it was.

Once everyone was ready to go, Clarissa bringing her wand and phone with her (a habit she has yet to break), the Nox's went through the fireplace and floo'd to the Potter's manor. Fleamont and Euphemia were already bright eyed and ready for the day and she was not surprised to learn that her boyfriend and best friend were still snoring away. Clarissa was tasked to wake both the boys up while the rest of them were to plan how they're going to be teaching the three teens.

Something in the back of Clarissa's mind told her that it would be easier to wake up James first before she tackled Sirius. She found the messy haired, hazel eyed boy lying shirtless face down on his mattress. Taking light steps, Clarissa sat on the edge of the bed and softly called out James' name. Since she only received grunts as her answer, it seemed that she needed to change her way of waking him up. A mischievous smile crept on Clarissa's face as she prepared to pinch/tickle James' side. This method was very effective as the sleeping boy jolted awake and rolled over to get away from Clarissa's fingers. Clarissa laughed at James' startled expression, clearly still half asleep. James became more awake once he realized who was in the room with him, crawling back towards Clarissa to peck her cheek in greeting.

"Morning love," James murmured against her cheek.

"Rise and shine, hon. We have a lot to do today," Clarissa told him, accepting his kiss.

Once her job of waking up James was completed, she told him to head straight down for a quick breakfast while she woke up Sirius. Unsurprisingly, it took a while to wake up Sirius. Just short of dumping water on his head, the curly haired teen finally got up and started to get ready. As he passed by Clarissa on his way to the lavatory, he was grumbling about his interrupted beauty sleep that only made the brunette chuckle.

The two marauders quickly ate their breakfast to not keep everyone else waiting. The adults split the trio up much to their chagrin, with Sirius going with Dorian and Damon while James and Clarissa stayed with the rest of the adults. As a Black, Sirius was introduced to occlumency early on in his childhood. Majority of the pureblood families taught their children from a very young age and though Euphemia and Fleamont tried to do the same with James, they were not as rough with him as Walburga and Orion was to Sirius. Unlike Sirius whose occlumency shields were up but weak, James and Clarissa's shield has yet to be fully established. The Nox gentlemen were to help Sirius restrengthen his shields while the Potters and Nox matriarch helped James and Clarissa.

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