159 || sleepover

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Karlos didn't notice it at first, but an hour into the movie is when he's finally able to admit to himself that something is seriously off with Andi.

"Hey... are you okay?"

Karlos gives Andi yet another weird look when he catches the boy trying to eat his own shirt. Karlos shrieks, reaching over to yank the hem out of Andi's mouth.

"You hungry? Want me to fix you something else to eat?"

Andi shakes his head, knocking the popcorn bowl aside as he moves to climb onto Karlos' lap. Andi sports a lazy grin as he leans forward to kiss Karlos, but he misses his lips by a mile, having kissed Karlos' chin instead. "Why are your lips so far away? Who moved them?"

Karlos is completely bewildered right now.

He blinks several times, unsure about what the fuck is going on. "Andi, baby. You're acting real strange and it's starting to scare me. What's going on with you?"

Karlos moves Andi off his lap so that they can properly face each other—without being tempted to do other things—and that's when he feels it. A damp lump in Andi's pocket that definitely hadn't been there before. The boy giggles in response, playfully swatting Karlos' hand away.

"Mine! You can't have any..."

"What's in your pocket, Andi? I want to see it right now. Show me," Karlos says, a bit of an edge in his voice because he's starting to low key panic and doesn't know what else to do to get Andi to behave. After the intense make out that they had in the art studio, Karlos isn't sure what Andi could have possibly gotten himself into during the time that he'd been gone.

It isn't as if Karlos had anything dangerous lying around—

"Oh my God. Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did." Not waiting for permission, Karlos hurriedly digs into Andi's pocket. His fingers are soon greeted with a warm, mushy brownie. Karlos sighs in relief before pulling back and laughing like a madman. "Oh, baby, no..."

"I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to steal from you, Andi whispers, proceeding to pull the rest of the brownie from out of his pocket. Of course he makes a fucking mess and gets crumbs everywhere, but Karlos isn't mad about it. "Just wanted to take one home with me. They're so good. Almost ate the whole pan."

"Exactly how many did you eat, baby? Do you remember?" Karlos accepts the crumbs, tossing them into the popcorn bowl. He wipes his hands on his jeans before leaning in close to examine Andi's eyes; he's definitely feeling the effects of the edibles.

"Two? Maybe three?"

Karlos sighs, kicking himself for not having hidden them better. Andi clearly isn't used to this, probably hasn't ever even smoked a joint before. "I think you should stay the night with me... I don't want to send you home with this shit still in your system. I can't have you hurting yourself."

Andi immediately pipes up, having heard only the important part. "We're having a sleepover?!"

Karlos chuckles, nodding. "Where's your phone? I should let your friends know what's going on. We don't want them to worry.'

"Right, no worrying." Andi grabs his cell phone from beside him and passes it to Karlos. He should, but doesn't, have a passcode on it, so Karlos gets in easily. "You can tell Dae where I am. I'm not talking to the other two right now."

Karlos isn't sure who the other two are, nor does he ask any questions. He sends Dae a quick run-down about what's going on, then sets the phone down on the table.

"If we're going to have a sleepover, I want lots of cuddles and kisses... and more of those brownies. What's even in those?" Andi snuggles up to Karlos, resting his head in his lap. His eyes gradually begin to close once Karlos starts playing with his hair.

"You can have whatever you want, baby... except for more brownies."


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