Chapter 7 - We're Married?

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As i pull out of the kiss i stare into his beautiful eyes, huge smiles on both of our faces "We're married!" i nod, he takes my hand as we walk down and rose pedals and confetti is thrown at us, cheers and clapping are still ongoing, we make our way down the aisle hand in hand, i cant describe the happiness im feeling right now, as we walk down i give my mom and Trisha a big hug, this is AMAZYAN!!

After the amazing dinner its time for the toasts, "Ejem, can i have everyone's Attention!?" Jesy's voice goes thru the speakers, we all turn our attention to her "Thank you...So Hi.  For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jesy.  I am the matron of honor and best friend of the bride.  I want to start off by saying that every once in a while… two people meet, and you know it’s meant to be.  You know instantly that the stars have aligned, and their paths would bring them together regardless what the world may throw their way.  This was clearly the case a little over 3 years ago, when Perrie and I first met.  Haha.

Looking back over the years, and remembering when I first met Perrie, it truly amazes me that something that seems so minor, such as a simple audition and getting paired with her and these other two girls Jade and Leigh… could change my life forever. 

Perrie  and I may not have been childhood friends; we never played dress up or imagined what our weddings would be like as little girls.  We didn’t go to school together and never braided each other’s hair… We don’t have any memories to speak of before we auditioned, but none of that matters because I feel like I have known you my whole life.  We know more about each other than we probably care to, and that’s because we can share anything without passing too much judgment. We have laughed together, we have cried together… We have inside jokes that only we find funny.  Personally, I think we’re hysterical… but that’s why we are friends… because I don’t think anybody else does. 

I want you to know that I wrote a speech for today about 50 times over.  I couldn’t think of anything perfect enough to describe just how much I love you.  There are no words big enough, to define the kind of friend you are to me, and I certainly had no idea how to summarize everything I wanted to say to make it all fit on to one page… but I will say this…

You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for.  You have always been there for me, and I will ALWAYS be there for you. I know god crossed our paths for a reason, and I will forever be grateful.   I don’t know where I would be without my best friend, but I do know that standing here today… on your wedding day … is exactly where I’m supposed to be. 

Zayn, I will spare everyone the details on the night you and Perrie first met, mainly because I don’t remember most of it, but I clearly remember the moment you asked me to introduce you to my cute friend.  I remember thinking how perfect you two would be together and I was right. (as always)  you two complete each other.  Not only do you love each other, but you care about other people.  You are two very little people with very big hearts… and I love that about yall.  As her Husband, I understand that YOU are her very best friend..well no i stll am, but I am willing to pass that torch because I know you make her happy, and I know that she loves you more than words can describe… and I also know that I will never have to worry about you taking my place as her running partner. I have been racking my brain to find the perfect love story, but the truth is, there is not just one single love story, You see everyone, a few months ago we all went thru really hard times, as some of us may know, their relation ship was not working supposedly, but no matter how hard they tried to deny it they couldn't stop loving each other, they couldn't stay away, and they always found a way to be together no mater what, they went thru the toughest time but that never broke them, it somehow made them stronger. So that is my perfect love story, and i- im really happy for you guys! I love you soooo much and i couldn't thank you enough for your guy's amazing friendship, and Zayn i will say this, next time something bad happens its your head on a platter! Hahah I'm not really...

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