t w e n t y - t w o

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TWO DAYS. It's been two days and the King of Moriella still hasn't come to talk to me. What is he doing? He hasn't made an appearance yet, hasn't popped up. I don't know what he's playing at, but it's unnerving. I don't think the King is a fool, I think he has a strategic plan and he's following it.

He has had me go down with Carlisle for some weird version of an interrogation. Carlisle—who's name I've learned is actually Desmond. Desmond Carlisle. He was not pleased when I found out his first name from Lawrence. I have taken to calling him Des and Desy. He is not very pleased with me. Especially right now. This weird interrogation is some form of training. Carlisle brings me down to this room and we spar, while he pesters me with questions about my sister. None of which I answer. He's getting very fed up with me. But, he still comes back every couple of hours and brings me down here. He said it was better to get some practice in him while he gets nowhere with me. Smart man. I can tell he needs some sort of answers from me though. The King is probably furious at Carlisle. Do I care though? Nope.

Not one bit.

If anything, I'm enjoying it.

Especially throwing him on his ass.

Carlisle glares at me, his light brown eyes flare with anger. It isn't a good look on him. He looks quite sour.

He advances on me, his sword in hand. We begin to circle each other. I hate the sword I'm holding, it isn't balanced like Nightingale, it's pommel is much heavier and weighted. A fake topaz jewel sits at the hilt. For a fake rock, it sure is heavy. I widen my stance as I continue circling Carlisle. An evil grin tugs at my lips.

"Giving me a weighted sword won't stop me from overpowering you, Des. But, I do applaud your efforts." I sway my stupid sword from left to right. "You know, you could always say please?" His eyes harden on mine.

"No?" I shrug. "Pride will get you nowhere with me."

"Stop talking." He bites out, his deep brown skin is peppered with beads of sweat.

"Why? Am I distracting you?"

"You're annoying me." He retorts.

I click my tongue. "Well, that is not very—" Carlisle lunges at me, he swipes my side. I duck and roll out of the way. I spring up and kick in his heel. He grunts and whirls around. I spring to the ground again and sweep out my leg. He's fast though, for someone in their early forties to still be this fast is a miracle. There is a reason he's captain of the guard. My father's old position.

Mama told us we used to live in Lodashine, before father died. I guess it was too much for her to be around the old memories. To see all the people who knew him. To hear all the apologies and pities. I wouldn't be able to take seeing that same old sad look in their eyes every time they saw me. Makes sense as to why she left.

Carlisle leaps away from my feet. He grabs the cuff of my tunic and yanks me up. I reel my head back, smashing my skull into his forehead. He curses and lets go of me. I jab my elbow into his side, he grabs my elbow and twists my arm behind my back, dropping my stupid sword in the process.

Damn him.

Fine, I'll play dirty then.

With my free hand I grab hold of his shoulder, meeting his fiery gaze before I ram my knee into his groin. He bellows and doubles over. I wrinkle my nose at him and his dramatic grunting before picking up my discarded sword. I walk over to him and place the blade at the back of his neck.

"I'd say," the grin returns to my lips, "that you've lost."

He grunts.

"I'd be more upset about this if you were a man."

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