Chapter 16: Professional Friendship

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Naruto kneeled in front of Danzo. It has been a few years since the gift giving when he was 8-years old. Naruto was now 12-years old — almost 13 in about. . . months from now.

Naruto was quite excited for tomorrow. Wanna know why? He was graduating in that exact day. "Danzo-sama, you have called for me," said Naruto emotionlessly. He looked down at the ground as he listened to Danzo's words.

"You have done quite well on your previous mission."

"Thank you, Danzo-sama," replied Naruto, pretending to have a surge of pride course through his own emotions. Danzo did a slight pause to see any flaws in Naruto's state.

He found none. Yet?

"I have also heard that your graduation will be occurring tomorrow morning." Naruto nodded at those words. "I am," said Naruto, confirming the rumors that Danzo already knew was true.

"And how old are you right now, Naruto?" Asked Danzo, eyes keen and narrowed at Naruto's figure. He took a few moments until he finally responded to the question.

"I am 12-years old, Danzo-sama."

"Impressive. While you did reach a plateau in skill for a year or two, it is still quite impressive to see a 12-year old boy on-par with some of the low-tier Jonin in this village." Naruto nodded, pretending to be take that compliment with gratitude.

"Thank you, Danzo-sama."

"And since you will undoubtedly be graduating, I have thought of giving you a reward for your fine deed that you have done for ROOT as a whole." Naruto raised an eyebrow behind his mask, wondering what this reward might.

"I have taken upon myself to promote you and give you higher missions for the future. That will also mean that you will have to rapidly get stronger everyday to keep up with the mission's difficulty." Naruto nodded, getting up from his kneeling.

"I understand, Dano-sama." Danzo nodded at those words.

"You may take your leave, Naruto." He gestured towards the door, wanting Naruto to leave the room that Danzo was in. Danzo saw Naruto open and close the door as he left the room.

Danzo narrowed his eyes at door.

Are you plotting something against me? Or is there a hidden motive behind all those layers that you put all around yourself? Your intelligence exceeds mine, but the difference between you and me Naruto is the experience. I have lived almost 5 time the amoutn of years you have lived on this Earth. Danzo thought, thinking about Naruto's potential hidden motive.


Naruto sat on a tree branch, thinking about Danzo's next move. The intentions were quite clear about Naruto's promotion of mission difficulty.

While he says he is doing this because of multitude of reasons — they're all just bullshit and fake. The real reason to keep me at a tighter surveillance. Naruto thought. But now you might be asking yourself:

How are more difficult missions tying to tighter surveillance for Naruto? Quite simple actually.

Since Danzo promoted me to higher and more difficult missions, I'll be having to be there more frequently. This is due to the reason that higher ranked missions for ROOT are quite common to get. And since they are a lot more common to get, people will have to do them more often than not. Naruto thought, waiting for a certain someone.

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