Thank you baby

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The warm, comforting sun rises were gradually embracing the whole city while the puffy white clouds trying to block him. All those rays looked like a blessing from heaven. it was very calm in the morning. Yaseol was waiting in a pocket park till the publishing company of her book to be open. She was enjoying every each single little thing around her. The light breeze touched the leaves and they danced in the air. A old women, who is wrapped up with a warm coat was selling hotcakes in the corner of the park.That day it was cloudy like nature was planning for a storm while the sun trying to show up himself, not hiding behind the clouds,and that moment was so perfect, so peaceful. The soft wind carries fine drops, each one a promise of the rain to come. As newly chilled air moves the clouds, streaks of brilliance break through from a patient sun. Yaseol let her eyes rest for a moment, feeling the ambiance of street, hearing the sounds, taking in the aroma, letting her mind be still. 'grrrrrrrrr' suddenly her phone began to vibrate, showing Jin's caller ID in the screen.
"the only missing part, this moment to be perfect" she answered the phone, smiling widely.
"hey my handsome, I miss you already~"

"who is this whining puppy? I guess i called my wifey?" He said teasingly.

"mmmm then maybe you have dialed a wrong number?"

Jin chuckled, "Is that it? Mm, okay then anyway..... i dropped Hasyeon and Tae by the school, be ready, i will drive you to the publishing company"

Yaseol bit her lip, knowing that the next thing is, Jin, shouting from other side of the phone. Because he said her to wait till he come yet she walked all the way here, "ahm jinnie, don't get mad okay?"

"why? Did u do something that makes me mad?"

"'s not something to get mad.... Yet you always get paniked without any reason to.... So... "


"ough okay, you don't need to come back, I'm almost infront of the building, sorry!!!"

"yah! Lee Yaseol! You-"

"whooow whooow calm down, i just wanted to have walk baby, you don't habe to worry, I'm here, safely and I'm perfectly fine"

Jin sighed, "when will you finish your work?"

"mm.... By 10am?"

"okay, take care"

"you too!!! Bye, love you"

"i love you more"


"ahhhhh this is hard" Jimin mumbled as he rested his head on the table, driving his eyes at Tae, who was beside him, solving some maths questions. "Kim taehyung, my darling smart best friend. Why did god gave you a good brain and not me~ this is unfair~" Tae shooked his head, still focusing on his work. "try untill u get it right, unless you will end up failing the finals",
"ough I'm sick of this!! Yah, shall we hang out today's evening ? Yahhh Taehyung~ don't ignore me!!!" Jimin kept whining while pulling and pushing the sleeve of Tae's shirt.
"Jimin, it's just 2 months left! Ahhh show me where did you stuck?" He said taking the paper which was jimin doing and scanning it.
"I don't wanna do anything right now, later" Jimin pouted while drawing circles on a paper. Tae again shook his head.
"ah Tae! I have something to ask"
"why did you gave up on that chance? ofered by Hasyeon's former entertainimant?"
Tae sighed and layed back to the chair,
"many reasons, and.... Minji didn't want me to do it too?"
Tae shrugged and looked at Jimin, "I'm gonna enter for medical faculty"


Jin was waiting in the lobby of printing firm, waiting for yaseol. "why am I nervous as the time before i confessed her" he mumbled himself rubbing his palms together. "Hey Yaseol" Jin turned at the male voice which called his wifes name,aloud. Yaseol was walking towards the exit since she didn't know that jin was there to pick her then she stopped caz of the sudden call. It was Mr.Kyung, the new manager of the firm. "oh mr.kyung," Yaseol turned at him with a smile. Jin narrowed his eyes at them, who were standing just 6-7 feets away from him, and yaseol was back facing. 'how dare she smiles that sweetly with other men!', Jin sat still, eavesdropping to their conversation.

The Kim Fam by JinekzWhere stories live. Discover now