Bonus chapter/Scene #1

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Bonus chapter/scene #1.... In which Seivon tells and shows his thoughts of before he got saved by Miracine and after he sees her tail when she leaves.  I also added some conversations.  This bonus scene can be viewed if you have not yet read all of it, yet....

The night was filled with a bright moon as a ship passes by filled with researchers and the three who would end up surviving. "Mel!" A twelve almost thirteen, Seivon yelled.  "Come back here.  You can't get lost.  I know I invited both you and Ash.  But if you get lost not only would Ash kill me, but your Mum, and my parents."

"That's what I hate about this... You en' Ash can do whateva' yall want and if I do one thing you get mad.  And that only time yall pay attention ta' me.  Especial'y you.  You don't care bout' me.  I want you too care."

"Oh Mel, that cuz' we can take care of ourselves.  But if something happens to you, you don't no howta' act.  And Melohdy... We do care.  Especial'y Ashton.  You should of seen him whenever you hurt or can't find ya.  He cares so much.  'Ike dis' much!" Seivon spreaded his hands out wide.

"Your exaggeratin' Seivon... Cours' I care fer Mel, but yer arms exadigerate...or Exajeradate?  Exaggerhate?  No... Exaggerate!" Ashton smiled showing a toothy grin.

They all smiled and Seivon wondered why his parents haven't called him back yet.  "Let's go to the deck!  I heard it's pretty there and you know what full moons mean?"

"It is bright?"

"No, stupid!" Melody hit Seivon's head.  "Something good is going to happen."

"Eh I don't know Mel..." Ashton looked out at the night sky.  "It looks lil' creepy like something bad happen.  Mystery too."


"What dat'?"

"A word kinda creepy and mysterious mixed together."

"That would be mystereepy." Seivon announces proudly.

"No..Noooo!   That be a ship name." Melody argues.

"Like this ship?  I love ship names!" Ashton exclaims.

"I think Mel reads too much romance.  And how she till' singal I don't know." Ashton hits Seivon's arm after his remark making him mutter in pain.

"Hey...Do you hear that?" Ashton looks around as a singing voice comes on the intercom.

Like an angel falling from a star
Singing lullabies from the afar

Sing with me now
And stay forever in your vow

Hush yet and close eyes
Sink deeper until all dies
Hoping woman in the sea, they oh lies

Oh shells of mercy
Terrible tales indeed
Drown in currents of swirly
An ocean's tears of human's greed

Waves go overboard
Innocent shall flee
Pierce your life like a sword

Hush my dear
Drown in your fears
Until death
Should take your final dangerous breath"

Then all of the sudden mighty waves attacked the ship they were on.  They all stepped away from the dock.  "Oh no...What's happening?!" Melody cried out.

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