Chapter 149: A Time of Traitors.

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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! 352K views and 11.1K votes. Don't neglect to check out all the stories connected to this story: Bizarro Ninja X Reader, Ninjas vs Nexo Knights, Morro's Wish, Alternate and Echo Zane X Reader.

(Third Person P.O.V)

____ Ninjago ____

The Vermillion bring Cyrus to the museum and trap him in a sarcophagus. Krux noting that the sarcophagus that Cyrus Borg was being stuffed into is the same one that the Serpentine previously tried to steal.

"The Vermillion Warriors have done well, brother. Borg is captured and the first step of our plan is complete. It's time to begin phase two." Krux happily announced.

"How? Phase two requires many more Vermillion than we have." Acronix questioned.

"We'll have them shortly. With even more growing in the swamp. Soon, there will be a force of thousands." Krux said. "Okay, but how do the two of us control a force of thousands?" Acronix questioned again.

"I've had forty years to develop this plan, brother." Krux said with a chuckle. "Do you not think I took that into account?"

"May I introduce... Commander Raggmunk, Commander Blunck and Commander Machia." Krux said as six sets of glowing eyes appeared in the darkness.

"Hand-selected from the genetically superior Serpentine. Their superior intellect allows them to communicate telepathically with the Vermillion Warriors and control them to the hive mind." Krux bragged as the three Commanders stepped out of the shadows and into the light.

"You've thought of everything." Acronix said in astonishment at his brother's foresight.

"Indeed. I bred them to be strategic thinkers. In fact, they've been working out the details for phase two." Krux continued to brag about his plan.

"With your permission, sir, I've outlined the attack so we can—" Blunck said only to be cut off. "We've outlined." Raggmunk angrily hissed. They began hissing and spitting at each other.

"Hand-selected?" Acronix said in a mocking tone. "They're fighters. One must expect a certain amount of...aggression." Krux said dismissively of his brothers mocking.

Blunck and Raggmunk kept hissing and spitting at each other. Getting closer and closer to a fistfight.

"The plan!" Acronix said, hitting his fist on the table. He had, had enough of their behaviour.

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