Travis, Connor, and Katie. part 1

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I'm back from my writers block... maybe. I'm trying to wrap this story up for you guys, I think I only have these chapters and then my Percabeth ones... yay!

I'm a little sad about it too though.

I would spill my heart and soul out to you guys, and tell you how much you mean to me, but we don't have time for that...

Please leave a comment or two! The more the merrier!

Katie's POV-

I'm a little too lazy to look into the monsters it could be, so use your imagination I guess...

I grew a wall of plants as quickly as I could. I prayed this monster attack would be over soon. My body was aching from using my powers, Travis had wounds littering his body, and Connor looked pale with a gash on his forehead.

"Katie, how's it coming back there?" Connor called, slashing at the monsters that attacked. I meant to say 'good' but it came out as a sigh from exhaustion. Travis turned around and looked at me.

"Katie-Kat! You in look sick!" He exclaimed. I waved him off.

"Fight," I mumbled, it came out more as fi though. He nodded and turned back towards the monsters just in time to parry they're attack. That's when my plants decided to bloom. They sprung up from their sapling form, stretching like skyscrapers to the sun.

The boys gasped and moved their quickest to get behind the new-formed barrier.

"Alright. Let's get you nectar and ambrosia, Katie," Travis said, kneeling at my side. Connor pulled a bottle of nectar and some ambrosia squares out of his bag and handed them to me. I took enough to feel better and not burn up. They each took their fair share and we stood up again. The monsters were slowly making their way through the thorn bush barrier, but a few were dying in the process. Connor and Travis each pulled out a sword and prepared for when they did make it through. I pulled out a dagger, also preparing. (It never says what weapon they actually use, I don't think, so I went with this).

The remaining monsters charged through the barrier surrounding us. I slashed my knife and sidestepped to block their attempts to murder me. Slowly, little by little, the monsters around us collapsed into orange dust.

I sighed in relief. Travis put his hand in mine and interlaced our fingers.

"If you guys are gonna get all cute and cuddly, I'm outta here," Connor said, seeing our intertwining hands.

"Oh, you mean like this?" To mess with Connor, I wrapped my arms around Travis' neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Ewwwwwww! PDA! PDA!" I could hear Connor cry. Travis and I laughed as we pulled away.

"Connor, shut up! You were the one who walked in on Silena and Beckendorf and the reason no two people can be alone in a cabin anymore. I think you can deal with watching a kiss," Travis joked.

"Oh gods! Don't remind me! I already have enough trouble getting that image out of my mind!"

I laughed as the brothers bickered. Suddenly, a mist started swirling around us. I soon realized it was an IM.

Chiron appeared in the mist, looking a little relieved, yet worried.

"Hi Chiron," I said, "what do you need."

"Jason, Piper, Leo, and Calypso have informed me that a few monsters slipped through the airport, but Percy, Annabeth, and Grover will be taking care of them. We are going to need you back at camp though. A battle's coming." The Stoll brothers and I shared a look. I hoped this wasn't like any of the other wars we've fought. I hoped the gods and the fates would help. Brining us back to the future so this whole thing could be stopped would be nice. But I knew the gods better than that.

"We'll be there as soon as possible, Chiron," I said.

"Thank you, Katie." He swiped his hand through the IM. I turned to the boys and motioned for them to pick up our belongings. It was going to be a long ride back to camp.

So... what did you think?!

Part two may be out soon... it will be shorter than this most likely. I hope you enjoyed!

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