"Chapter 4"

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Thank you all for already 52 reads! I hope you all will like this chapter too!

Lets get on to the story shall we :)


Korra's Pov.

'Is she awake yet? Its time to get ready for my speech.' I asked Tenzin. Tenzin shrugged.

'Lets just let her sleep. She needs it for running after you. You know you should be glad to have a friend like her.' He said with a serious tone.

Letting her know that she should be very gratefull of having a friend like Ayira.

'I'm grateful for her being my friend Tenzin. I couldn't wish for a better friend.'

'Lets just go Korra. We shouldn't keep the people waiting for their avatar.'

'Alright, fine.' I said with a little disappointment. I was hoping that Ayira was coming too.. she always helped me to not say stupid things.

This speech is gonna be a disaster..

A hour later...

We arrived at the stage where I was gonna begin my speech. The chief was already standing beside Tarrlok. I couldn't explain why but Tarrlok was already someone I didn't trust.

He was always so full of himself and always so suspicious.

It didn't take long before there was a whole crowd waiting for my speech. Nausea hit me and don't forget about being nervous. That was always the worst feeling for me to feel.

It made me like a whole other person. Every time I start talking just somethinf stupid comes out.

We waited a little longer before he started speeking. There where now like more than a 1000 people staring at me.

I picked my place at the standard. Camera's already flashing and flashes making me blind all at once. Cheers were heard from the crowd and I was ready to start.

[Korra clears her throat.]

'Hello-' a small shriek was heard from the mic.

'I'm Korra. Your new Avatar.' Some cheers were heard again but thats when I heard someone asking a question.

'Does this mean you've moved to Republic City!' A journalist asked.

And after the first question there came more.

'Were you trying to send a message to the triads yesterday?'

'Will you be fighting crime or the anti-bending revolution or both?'

'Will you be working with chief beifong and the police?'

I tried to stay calm and started to answer the questions.

'Uh yes, I am definitly here to stay. But honestly I-I don't exactly have a plan yet.' I said with some difficulty and unease.

'See, I'm still in training-' I took a deep breath.

'But look all I know is avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world and I believe we can make his dream a reality.' I said in a proud voice and I should because what I said was incredible. Even I was suprised.

'I look forward to serving you!' and again I was met by flashes of their cameras.

Meanwhile by the equalists..


The radio was clearly hearable. Korra was the one that they could hear.

'I'm so happy to be here! Thank you Republic City!' Was the last thing they could hear from her on the radio.

A Bender With a Gift |BOOK 1| LOK x Reader..Where stories live. Discover now