"Chapter 6"

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Just because you all had to wait for 3 days I made two chapters for today!


Ayira's pov.

A sound was heard from my window. My eyes opened themself slowly. A yawn escaped my mouth and I stretched.

Oogi was flying again and flew right by my window. I looked around my room and was shocked when I saw Tenzin standing at my doorway..

'What.. is it Tenzin.' I said with a sleepy voice. A second yawn escaped my mouth.

'Is it true.. what I've heard.' He said with confusement but hope in his eyes.

'What do you mean?' I asked being confused this time.

'Did you really.. Airbend.' He said and a flashback hit me..

Flashback from yesterday's evening..

'How did you do that?' Korra asked me with shock.

'I- I don't know..' I said while looking at my hands. How did this happen.. I'm an waterbender.. only the avatar can use more elements.

'We have to tell Tenzin! You know that right?' Korra said with still some shock but also now with some excitement.

'But I don't even know how I did that..' I said with curiousity.

'Me neither but we should find out. Maybe Katara can help you with that.' Korra suggested.

'You're right.' I said in defeat.

Flasback ends here...


'Yes I did airbend Tenzin...' I said still getting used to this news.

'Thats good news! But also disturbing news.' He said to me with an uneasy smile.

'Tenzin I don't get it.. Nobody can bend two elements..' I told him with confusement. He sat down next to me.

'Maybe you're an unique bender.' He said with reassurance.

'I don't even know how I did it..' I said to him. Knowing that if anyone in Republic would find out about this.. I would be in danger. I could already bloodbend.. and now this?

'Could I.. maybe go see Katara. Maybe she can find out what is happening to me.' I suggested to Tenzin.

'I totally get why you would want that. Thats why she came here.' Katara showed up behind the door.

'Hello deary.' She said with a small smile.

'Katara!' I said with a smile and stepped out of bed to give her a hug. After my mom and dad died she always took care of me. She was like a sweet grandma to me.

'How are you feeling today?' She said with a questioning tone.

'Well.. I'm feeling the way I've always felt.' I said with a reassuring smile.

'Could you please tell me when you've felt a little different?' She asked to me.
I took a deep breath.

'Well when the day Korra asked Tenzin to go to the arena there happend something that I couldn't explain.' I started.

'Korra left when she knew that he had made a decision. Tenzin wanted to walk away but I wanted to talk to him so I grabbed his arm to stop him. When I suddenly felt a wave of energy threw my body..' I answered to her.

'Hmm.. thats very interesting.. I kinda want to test something out. But I need someone for that.' She said being a little secretly about it.

'Who do you need mother?' Tenzin asked.

A Bender With a Gift |BOOK 1| LOK x Reader..Where stories live. Discover now