His Favorite Feature of Yours

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Charlie: Your hands. He loves holding your hands because they are smaller than his.

Russ: Your forehead. He loves your forehead because he loves giving you forehead kisses.

Dean: Your legs. He loves how long they look no matter what you wear.

Jesse: Your freckles. He loves your freckles because he thinks that they are beautiful and unique.

Fulton: Your skin. He loves your skin because he thinks that it is really soft and smooth.

Dwayne: Your smile. He loves your smile because he thinks that you look really beautiful when you smile.

Luis: Your eyes. He loves how your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you love.

Averman: Your laugh. He loves your laugh because it shows that you are happy and are enjoying yourself.

Guy: Your hair. He loves how soft it is and how it smells. He could run his fingers through it all day.

Adam: Your height. He loves your height because you are shorter than him. That means that he can kiss you on your forehead whenever he wants.

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