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There was no mistake when Ying said that the cave systems weren't far off from where they were. All they had to do was to pound through the snow like how they normally would have. Lucky for them, BoBoiBoy isn't feeling much pain anymore like how he should be. Yaya, however, is a different discussion. At this point, her only medicinal comfort can be the warm flames from the burning forest trees.

They wade through the thick weather without even turning back. Not once. No one wants to look back to those horrors again.

Apparently, the cave system is dark. The tunnels thread for what seems like miles on end, coated by ancient pieces of brick and old bundles of moss. Once they trace its features with their keen eyes, they see iron lining its walls.

Soon, they see there's some on the floor too. Yaya learns this the hard way when she almost trips on large wooden slabs.

"W-W-Woah, Miss Yaya! Are you okay?" Fang catches her before she even falls flat on the rails.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she puffs. Most of them are actually surprised she isn't too hurt from the arrow wound by her leg. But Ying knows better.

She's played tag with her for years and lost to her even when she had a behemoth splinter in her ankle.

They were kids. They were kids, hearing each other's stories, eating potatoes with prickly plants by the fire with their mothers.

Their mothers.

They need to go back home.

"How long do you think this cave is, Gopal?" Ying asks.

"Honestly, no idea. But I have a clue where we are."


"Guys, I can see rails on the g-ground," Fang stutters also from the cold. "We must be in one of those...p-pr-prehistoric transportation routes. I think this is where...t-t-trains used to go."

"Well," Gopal blows a raspberry. "I dunno what in the world trains are, but they don't look as nice as I thought they are."

"At this time, Mom and Aunty should have gone to migrate about now. Could the site be that far from here?"

"Migrate?" Fang asks, gesturing Yaya to sit by the tunnel as he does too.

"Yes," Yaya says. "It gets too cold back from where we're from that we need to head somewhere else bearable. We all didn't get to see the path we took to get here, so how do we know how far we are-?"

Turns out, Ying has already scooted outside, over the tunnel. She rushes back in to find them all seated down, exhausted. "For the love of pebbles- Actually," she says in her high voice. "You remember that mountain we always use as some sort of landmark to get here?"

"You mean, the weird ginger-looking one?" Yaya recalls easily.

"Yeah! This tunnel is literally right next to it! I looked at the stuff right next to it too. You know, the rail thing you have been talking about? It continues all the way over there! So if we continue down this path..."

We get home. Nobody even needs to say that aloud.

"Boys," Yaya says instead. They turn to her. "You guys should come along with us too. Do you have anywhere else to stay after this?"

"Uhm, M-Miss Yaya," Fang tries to protest out of modesty, but ending up biting his lower lip. "Actually, yes. I hhhave nowhere else to stay."

"Neither do I."

"Yeah," Ying scoffs. "Even if you did, there's no way I'm letting you go back to scaring anybody else in the woods like how you did with me, you potato!" Right after, she slams Gopal by the shoulder. She couldn't believe that first encounter really. After lies of zombies and narcissistic heroism, what is there for them to say they aren't kind of like real heroes now?

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