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After talking to Cass, I decided that it was best if I didn't go home now

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After talking to Cass, I decided that it was best if I didn't go home now. The sun had long set, casting a shadowy veil over the city streets. The flickering streetlights created a moody atmosphere, illuminating the deserted sidewalks. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, and my mind was a chaotic mess. I yearned for solitude, a chance to gather my thoughts away from the confines of my home. The weight of Zion's betrayal bore down on me, and at this moment, all I wanted was to be alone with my tumultuous emotions.

With determination, I severed the mind-link connection with everyone, including my own wolf. The psychic bond that connected us, usually a source of comfort and companionship, was now severed, leaving me feeling isolated and vulnerable. If she wanted to reach out to Zion's wolf, that was her prerogative, but for now, I was consumed by anger, and I had no desire to see or hear from either of them unless it was a matter of life and death.

In search of solace, I found myself at a dimly lit bar tucked away in a corner of the city. Its weathered facade and flickering neon sign welcomed me into its comforting embrace. Stepping inside, the low hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses enveloped me. The air was heavy with a mixture of alcohol, cologne, and the scent of sweat. The bar's interior was adorned with vintage decorations, giving it a cozy yet vintage ambiance.

Being a half-human werewolf, it didn't take much for me to get tipsy, unlike most full-blooded werewolves. The alcohol coursed through my veins, adding a hazy layer to my already clouded mind. A few sips and the alcohol began to affect me. When I requested a bottle, my intentions were clear—I wanted to drown my sorrows and unleash my pent-up frustrations.The pulsating music assaulted my ears as Demi Lovato's "Sorry Not Sorry" blared through the speakers. The volume was cranked up to its maximum, reverberating through my entire being. The dance floor, bathed in colorful strobe lights, beckoned to me. I couldn't resist the urge to move, to let loose and dance to the infectious rhythm. Swaying my hips from side to side, my dark hair clung to my sweaty body, the air growing dense with the energy of the crowd. The dance floor was packed with people, each lost in their own world, seeking an escape from their troubles. My vision blurred, faces became indistinct, yet I paid no mind. Tonight, I yearned to forget, to find temporary happiness. For six long years, I had lived a lie, and no one had bothered to tell me a thing.

Jeremiah's "Royalty" began to play, further fueling my intoxication. The DJ seemed to toy with my emotions deliberately, taunting me. I grabbed the bottle from the bar, tossed some cash onto the counter, and returned to the dance floor. With each sensual sway of my hips, my emotional barriers began to crumble. Soon, Zion would be able to sense my presence, but at this moment, I couldn't care less. I removed my jacket and flung it somewhere, the heat in the room becoming unbearable. My hair cascaded behind me as I took a swig straight from the bottle, embracing the temporary liberation it offered.

Amidst the chaos, I felt the vibrations of my phone in my back pocket, but I disregarded it completely. Twirling and swaying to the rhythm, I spotted Cass and her husband Gabriel. Though Gabriel appeared furious, Cass wore an expression of amusement. Approaching them with an alluring demeanor, I seized Cass and pulled her into the dance. She took the bottle from my hand, and gripping my wrist, she drew closer to my face. The smell of her perfume mixed with the scent of alcohol hung in the air. Raising an eyebrow at her, I observed her mesmerizing green eyes and winked playfully. She giggled, eliciting a low growl from her mate. "Stand down, pup. I'm your queen," I slurred, fully aware that he likely didn't comprehend my words. "How did you know I would be here?" I inquired of Cass, as she handed me over to Gabriel.

"I know everything about you. I'm your best friend!" she exclaimed, slipping my jacket back onto me. I gazed up at her, a smile spreading across my face. Suddenly, Gabriel lifted me effortlessly into his arms, and as I looked between him and Cass, my smile broadened. "What are you smiling about, you weirdo?" she teased.I chuckled, my laughter echoing through the air. "You're a weirdo," I declared, throwing my head back in Gabriel's embrace. "Your baby will be so pretty. You two are a perfect match." Forming a heart shape with my hands, I basked in the joy of the moment, while Gabriel beamed down at me.

"Well, you're in trouble, missy," Gabriel warned, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and frustration. The furrow in my brow deepened as confusion clouded my mind. Gabriel's words carried a weight that I couldn't fully comprehend in that moment. "Zion is crazy worried about you, Kallisto," he added, his tone tinged with a hint of sympathy for the turmoil that engulfed me. The gravity of Zion's concern clashed with my growing anger, creating a turbulent storm within me.I glanced up at Gabriel, the dim glow of the streetlights casting shadows across his face. The flickering light danced across his features, accentuating the intensity in his eyes. I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, a mixture of defiance and detachment on display. Gabriel's low growl rumbled deep within his chest, a clear indication of his displeasure at my disrespectful attitude toward his king. He took a deep breath, visibly collecting himself before taking on the role of my reluctant escort, leading me toward the parking lot.

As we arrived, my gaze involuntarily fixated on Zion's car, a sleek black vehicle that stood as a symbol of our shattered connection. The sight of it only fueled my determination to break away from his grasp. Anguish and anger intertwined within me, fueling a defiant fire that refused to be extinguished. "No! I will not go with him," I vehemently protested, my voice carrying an unwavering resolve. Through the window, I caught a glimpse of Zion's anger, his knuckles turning white as he clenched the steering wheel in a vice-like grip. The tension in the air was palpable, mirroring the seething emotions that simmered just beneath the surface."I refuse to return to that liar!" I declared, my words resonating with a fierce determination that propelled me into action. Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted away from the parking lot, my heart pounding in my chest, driving me forward with an adrenaline-fueled urgency. The surrounding woods welcomed me, their dark canopy providing a fleeting sanctuary from the tumultuous emotions that threatened to consume me.

My jacket was cast aside, followed by my shirt, discarded in my fervor to shed the remnants of a past tainted by betrayal. Now clad only in my undergarments, I embraced the raw vulnerability that matched the intensity of my emotions. Desperation coursed through my veins, urging me onward as I maneuvered through the dense forest. Every step was deliberate, every movement calculated as I zigzagged through the trees, my senses on high alert. In my attempt to outrun my pursuers, I brushed against the rough bark of the trees, leaving behind traces of my scent. The musky aroma of the woods intermingled with the remnants of my adrenaline-soaked sweat, an olfactory mask I hoped would confuse any tracking efforts. Each rustling leaf beneath my feet became a symphony of hope, a melodic distraction that masked my escape. The moon's soft glow filtered through the thick canopy, casting ethereal beams of light that illuminated my path, guiding me deeper into the unknown.

My lungs burned with exertion, matching the fiery determination that burned within my chest. I pushed my body to its limits, relentless in my pursuit of freedom. The pounding of my heart drowned out the sounds of my pursuit, my focus narrowed to the rhythm of my footfalls against the forest floor. Fear and determination intermingled, driving me forward with an intensity that eclipsed reason.Yet, with every stride, a sense of uncertainty gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. The darkness of the woods seemed to taunt me, casting sinister shadows that whispered doubts into my ears. The branches clawed at my exposed skin, leaving scratches and welts as a cruel reminder of the danger that lurked within the depths of the wilderness.But my desperation propelled me onward, overpowering any flicker of doubt.
Eventually, I reached a cliff that marked the boundary between land and sea. Standing on the precipice, a reckless thought took hold—jumping would be the ultimate escape.

"We are so going to die," my inner voice whispered, a tremor of fear threading through its words. The weight of the situation settled upon me, and uncertainty swirled in my thoughts like a tempest.

"Do I jump?" I questioned, my voice laced with hesitation. The precipice of the cliff loomed before me, an abyss that seemed both terrifying and tantalizing. It was a pivotal moment, a choice that could define my fate.

Yeah, fucking do it. We've already run away from them anyway

My wolf's tinged with defiance. The decision was made, fueled by a cocktail of desperation and rebellion. There was no turning back now.

Fear slithered into my mind, its icy touch attempting to dissuade me. "What if we die?" it whispered, its insidious voice sowing doubt within me.

Then we die! YOLO!

She retorted, determination overpowering reservations. The concept of 'You Only Live Once' served as both a rallying cry and a rebellious anthem at that moment. It became a battle cry against the pain, the lies, and the uncertainty that had plagued me for far too long. Stripped down to my bare essence, I charged forward, propelled by an unyielding force of will, hurtling myself off the cliff.

The wind howled against my face, its force pushing against me as I plummeted through the air. My heart raced, a rapid staccato beat in my chest, as if time itself held its breath. In that fleeting moment, it felt as though my life hung in the balance, suspended between the exhilaration of defiance and the terrifying reality of the unknown.

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