Chapter 2

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      The bright sun awoke me. Despite the usual warmness of the sun, I felt cold. I slowly opened my eyes to find my undead lover, now a ghost that roams the vast world. I smiled and looked up at him. He must've felt my gaze because he looked down at me and gave me a wide smile. "Good morning (N/n)!! Tommy's working on breakfast for the two of you." I smiled and nodded. I decided to--hesitantly--sit up and stretch. After doing so, I looked down at the ground far below me. Wilbur followed my gaze and grabbed me once more. He lowered the two of us to the ground and let me go. I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek before turning to where Tommy was cooking.

      "What's for breakfast, Toms?" He turned around and smiled at me.

      "We're having eggs and porkchop." I nodded and spectated from behind him, making sure he didn't burn anything. After the food was successfully prepared, he put our food on separate plates. He handed me mine, and I thanked him. I sat down and scarved down the food as if I hadn't eaten in forever. "So, what's the plan for today?"

      I hummed in thought. "Dream wants me to help him build something, but I don't know when. Other than that, I'll probably go and try to get us some more food--is there anything in particular you want? Also, anything else you need? I'm gonna stock up on more wool and wood." Tommy shook his head and took my plate to clean it. I nodded and went towards the mines made by Tommy.

    My home was underground, under the world so it was more protected. I put my hand on the hand-reader so it would open the door. My door was redstoned by Fundy when he visited once, so all of it would only open for me or Tommy. The door was made of bedrock--an indestructible stone that was almost impossible to get one's hands on. I'd managed to find a trader who gave me some for the exterior of my home. No one could get in without the hand-reader. No matter how you dug--up, down, left, right--you couldn't get inside.

    I had appreciated the trader since I loved where people couldn't steal my stuff. Of course, since Wilbur is a ghost that means he can get inside too. I smiled at the thought of him just casually floating inside as if nothing was weird about it. I laughed to myself and shook my head. There was no time for that right now, I needed to get everything I needed for the day.

    After grabbing the necessary items, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and placed my hand on the reader. The doors opened and closed behind me. I walked up the stairs and came to a halt upon seeing the green man. Dream smirked and walked over. "Where'd you come from? Not many people just like to go underground." I shoot him a glare and continue walking.

    "I'm not the one on exile, Clay. You don't have to keep your thumb on me." He laughs and walks beside me. "Besides, I have something to do right now. If you want my help, then you have to work for it right now." He laughs again.

    "Aw, you don't have time for little ol' me? I'm hurt (N/n)..." I roll my eyes at his dramatics and continue on my trek. "How about a deal: I help you with what you need to do now, and tomorrow you help me start on my base." I sigh and hesitantly nod. It's not like I'd have a good enough excuse anyway. I watch as his smirk widens, and he matches my pace. "So what are we getting?"

    "We're collecting wood, wool, stone, and wheat--I'd prefer if we could find some hay bales." Dream nods.

    "Oh yeah, one more thing--just call me Clay more. If you want me to know that you're mad, call me Dream." I nod and continue pushing forward. We walked for a while until we found some sheep. I smiled and pulled out my shears. I walked over to the sheep slowly, as not to scare them. I smiled when the sheep leaned into my touch. I could tell that they were tired of all of the hot wool that sat atop their skin.

    When I'd finished, I turned to see Clay chopping down some trees. I smiled as I didn't expect him to help me. I slung my bag off of my shoulders and sat on the ground. I dug through the items I have and noticed a shortage of beef. I looked around for a cow or even some cattle. I noticed some movement in the distance and slowly made my way over.

Unfortunate Timing | Wilbur/Ghostbur x readerWhere stories live. Discover now