22- a mess

636 39 97

"Emotional pain cannot kill you,

but running from it can.



Let yourself feel.

Let yourself heal."

― Vironika Tugaleva


Elaine woke up in a dorm that was decidedly not hers.

It wasn't hard to notice, really, with there being three other beds instead of four, no make-up table standing next to the bathroom door or curtains adorning the beds.

No matter the pounding headache that was trying to burst her skull, she was still able to notice that her dorm should not be occupied by three sleeping boys.

It also didn't make it harder to figure out whose room she had slept in exactly when she was met with a wall adorned by polaroid pictures, all of them portraying the same four guys in different stages of their Hogwarts education, standing in front of the Black lake or posing at a party.

What also made it quite easy to connect the dots was the half-naked boy that had just came out of the bathroom, bare chest on full display while he was drying his hair with a towel.

Sirius Black froze in his actions as he spotted Elaine being awake.

"Good morning", he finally spoke casually, stepping away from the door and towards the closet.

Sirius being half naked snapped Elaine out of her dizziness as she feared for one moment to be wearing only her dress from the night before, though she quickly realized that her torso was covered by a warm quidditch sweater.

"Mornin'", she squeaked, voice clearly showing her confusion. "How did I get here?", the French asked, desperately trying to sort through her pounding headache in order to access her memories from the night before.

"You don't remember?", Sirius asked, though it sounded more like a sure statement. Sighing, the Black pulled on a shirt and leaned against the closet. "Do you want a potion?"

Elaine considered for a second, before figuring that her own potions were probably a better fit for her, since her body would be used to them. As she was still thinking, the boy in the bed next to the one she had slept in began moving. "Padfoot?", James slurred quietly, turning around on his back. "Who put the muffins in my hair dye?"

"I think I better get going", the Blonde finally decided, jumping out of the bed only to nearly slip on a jacket lying next to it. She caught herself in the last moment, picked up her shoes that had been discarded on the ground, and combed her hand through her hair once.

Sirius rose an eyebrow as she turned to look at him. "We need to talk", he told her nonchalantly, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Whatever I said last night was probably not the truth. I am not really myself when I'm drunk. Please just forget whatever it was, keep your mouth shut about it and tell me I just landed in this dorm because I was too drunk to go to my own", Elaine pleaded, still not able to remember anything she could have possibly done at the party.

"I brought you here because you fell asleep in the corridor. I still think we should talk", Sirius snorted, taxing his opposite with insistent eyes.

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