Second Version of Chapter 15

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AN: Okay so I typed this version of chapter 15, but I didn't like how it was going so I stopped. It's not quite finished though so.... DONT HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

I opened my eyes, and I saw white.

I thought it was the light to Heaven, but then I remembered that I was in Hell.

It was the sun.

I coughed. Then I looked at the sky. People were watching. They had to be.

"Water..." I croak. I close my eyes.

I don't know how long I lied there. But I heard a high pitched beeping noise and it was grating on my nerves.

Wait.... Beeping. Parachute. Sponsors. Supplies. Water. Salvation.

I force my body up from the position I lay in, and my eyes land on a white container.

I dragged myself to the paracute, and pried it open with a knife.

A water bottle was inside. I opened the lid, and cool water soothed my throat and I was soon quenched. And there was still over half left.

I forced myself to my feet, and I walked to Heron. "Heron... water," I told her. I haven't heard a cannon, so I know she's alive. "Heron wake up," I nudge her shoulder with my foot. She groans and mumbles.

I sigh, and push the water to her lips. Heron's eyes fly open and she chugs the water.

"Where did you get it?" She asks. I motion to the paracute and help Heron stand.

"Tha-" Heron stops and her eyes widen.
"What?" I ask.

Then I feel warm metal against my throat.

I've traded one side of death for another.

"I might as well kill you right now. It'd be better that the Careers finding you," a voice hisses. It's deep, so I know it's a guy.

"You think I got a twelve for giving up?" I growl.

I shove his arm away and duck. Then I spin around and kick him in the chest. He stumbles backwards.

"Bow!" I yell. Heron throws me the bow and I slam it under his chin, knocking him to the ground. I kick the knife away from his hand and pull my dagger and hold it to his throat.

"I got a twelve for fighting," I growl.

"Why not kill me then?" He hisses.

"Because I'm not going to kill anyone unless I absolutely need to," I reply in a stone cold voice. I pull the knife away, and he stands and grabs the knife.

He narrows his eyes under his baseball cap. I can't tell who it is because he has his face covered with a scarf.

"Heron?" He says. My eyes flick to her. "Fern?!"

AN: Liv!!! :P

... I am officially a horrible person. Hahaha so like I said: This wasn't finished but I wanted to update anyways. I might update the scraped one too if you guys want. Just tell me in the comments!!!

Until next time!!!! :3

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