Chapter 19

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Abahahahabaabaaba I'm nervous af, like I have an idea but idk how to put it in writing and it's annoyinggg 🤸‍♀️🚊

Abahahahabaabaaba I'm nervous af, like I have an idea but idk how to put it in writing and it's annoyinggg 🤸‍♀️🚊

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was going to start...
But I can't.
I painted my nails green today.

...This is procrastinating at its finest.

REECE ⚡️🧞‍♀️


My heart pounded as we trudged through the forest. I was completely on edge and cautious, my narrowed eyes scanning the dark beyond my torch for any sign of a cabin.

As if narrowing my eyes would do shit.

I should eat more carrots.

The road only led us so-far on our scavenger hunt towards the co-ordinates. To be fair, I wouldn't expect anything less from Dominic than this remote location.

The four figure grid reference left us with a square of forest on the map to search. Not very specific but I guess it narrowed it down... slightly.

We had been walking for just over an hour through cold, mud, rain and what-ever weathering obstacle could possibly spring into God's mind at that bloody moment.

Maybe it's an sign...


Whilst also looking out for the cabin, I kept an eye on Harley. Nothing about this felt right, but honestly, when does anything ever feel right? It doesn't. But either way, Harley comes first. She always comes first; I could live without anything in the world, but if Harley goes... I'm right behind her.

A twig snapped to my left and I whirled, pointing my rifle towards the noise. Looking through the rear sight, with my pointer hovering over the trigger, I watched Harley stumble backwards a few steps.

I huffed, "Jesus Harley," I slung my rifle back around my shoulder, "I was about to blow your fucking toes off."

She bit her bottom lip nervously, "Sorry, sorry."

From my right Jay whisper-shouted, "Shut the fuck up. If there's a trap they sure as hell know where we are now." He stalked forwards, with the rest of our small group.

I ignored his fucking tone. Son of a bitch forgot who he's talking to— "Ow! Ow!" Jay shouted. I pointed my torch at him with concern.

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