Chapter 7, Dark Angels

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They all met in the lounge instead of in the little library. The talk over dinner had just skimmed the surface of the new dark matter ideas, so when they were settled, Tengri looked around and got their attention.

He said, "Here's what I think we know so far. 

"The levels of dark matter are similar to the lower energy types of atoms on the classic Periodic Table. Only it takes such high energy exchanges to jump from one dark matter level to the next that such transitions are extremely rare in the present universe. 

"But the different dark matter types can link together to form the equivalent of molecules. These molecule-like linkages need much smaller energy exchanges, so they can more readily combine into complex structures.

"Dark matter was most active during the first eons of the universe, when the energy density was high. During those early, more energy-active eons, free entities could assemble these tightly bound dark matter particles into useful forms. They used the resulting patterns of stable high energy matter to define their identities.

"These dark matter entities populated the universe during that era. They were God's first intelligent creatures. The first spirits to corral other entities into body-like configurations. They became the angels, djinn, others of the old lesser gods."

Tengri paused. He could see that Kore was getting antsy and wanted to say something.

He said, "Kore?"

She said, "Haven't you left something out?"

"What's that?"

"You're talking about dream entities. Why would they dream up dark matter?"

"Good question. I have to remind myself about that often. But we know from our own experience with the Q that our familiar matter and all its constructs emerges from dream ideas we have agreed on. It would have been the same for them. 

"We also know that our whole Q-dream universe emerges from what we like to think of as God's dream of an infinite sea of possible dream events. So the dark matter realm would have to be part of that. A set of agreements, links in the sea of dreams conceived by those early entities. 

"Then, as part of that evolution of agreements, the material universe expanded and the energy density dropped. It became less and less likely for dark matter particles to interact, to either accept or release energy. Dark matter bodies would have become less useful. 

"So some of these spirit entities that were already invested in the matter game must have begun developing our ordinary matter, starting with the energy level of dark matter that could most easily accept or release energy at these lower levels. In other words, starting with what we think of as hydrogen. You all know that part of the story.

"And you know that stories of these old entities abound. We know that they still exist in the spirit realm. It's just not as easy for them to materialize as it once was. In effect, they died out, to be replaced by the animals we know in the realm of Earth.

"It's evident that these Dark Angel spirits gradually learned how to enslave the new lower-energy entities for their own purposes. But they got lazy and overconfident, and ended up creating self-sufficient material beings, run by some of those slave spirits.

"Many of the dark beings continue to interact with our familiar animal bodies. They can also appear in bizarre forms through direct spirit links. They are the ghostly creatures that still influence humans.

"Perhaps earlier in Earth's history they tried to influence dinosaurs, and helped guide their development. But I think it was too challenging to actually organize them, because the attention needed to survive in that environment often overrode such activities. The Anunnaki learned this lesson too.

"Both the Dark Angels and the Anunnaki realized they needed to develop animal bodies that were sophisticated enough on their own to survive almost unassisted. Then sophisticated spirits could use them without having to run all the machinery. Eventually they developed slave entities with sufficient survival skills and intelligence to become more aware of the spirit world. Like cats. And us."

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