humpty dumpty

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John B was standing on the roof of house in the middle of construction. He had a beer in his left hand that he would take sips from every so often.

Jj was sitting on a ledge about one story down. He too, had a beer in his hand.

Pope was playing with some random tool box, picking up and examining them one by one.

I was sitting on a random chair right next to Pope. The hot obx sun was beating down on my face, though I suppose the sun was close to setting. My dad would be calling soon, to make sure I was alive. I continued to read a magazine I had found a few moments earlier while John B kept standing on one foot on the roof. I tried to ignore him.

"Damn these models are hot as hell." I smile slightly.

"I'm so fucking glad you like girls and guys bro. Now you can honestly tell me if they girls hot or not." Jj jokes.

"Very funny, J."

Pope looks up at John B and yells, "That's a what? A three story fall to the deck? I give you about a 1 in 3 chance of survival."

This grasps my attention, "What the hell, John B?"

"Mhm." John B mumbles, he licks his finger and puts it in the air, pretending to know what he's doing. "Should I do it?"

"Yeah! You should jump!" Pope yells. "I'll shoot you on the way down." he says, pointing up a random tool at John B.

"You gonna shoot me?" John B laughs, pointing a finger gun at the boy.

I start to ignore the boys and look over to my left and see Kiara walk out of the house. "They're gonna have Japanese hand warmers."

"Why wouldn't they?" Jj scoffs. "I can't have cold hands."

Jj was like that. Constantly making jokes and coming up with the most sarcastic things possible.

Kie was right, these Kooks are so privileged it makes me gag.

"This used to be a turtle habitat." I slightly mumble.

"Who cares about the turtles, I guess." Kie groans. "Can you please, not kill yourself?" Kie asks John B, changing the subject.

I look back up at John B and place the magazine back on the table, nothing was more interesting than John B close to death.

"Don't spill that beer! I'm not giving you another one!" Jj yells.

I slightly laugh and stand up next to Pope.

"Woah! Oh shit." John B groans as the beer slams to the ground.

I pick it up and take the last few sips from it. "Dumbass." I scoff.

"No!" John B yells.

"Of course you did, like right after I told you not to."

I start laughing at the two idiotic boys when I hear a loud and deep voice yell from the side of the house. "Hey!"

"Hey, security is here!" Pope informs us. "Lets wrap it up!"

"C'mon humpty dumpty, lets roll!" Jj jokes towards John B.

"Humpty dumpty?" I repeat. "That's offically your new nickname, John B."

"Yo! Guys it's Gary!" Jj yells.

"Gary! My man! I missed you!" I yell.

We all start running through the house and eventually end up downstairs at the back door.

Gary is still hot on our tails but he's not very fit so it's pretty easy to make it past him.

John B and Kie make it over the fence on the side yard. Pope is running infront of me, Jj is behind me.

"Go Pope! Go!" Jj laughs "Jump!"

Pope jumps over the fence and groans. "Shit Pope, you good?" I slightly laugh at the boy.

"C'mon! You can give him lovey dovey care later! Get up!" Jj demands, still running. "Fatso is comin!"

John B and Kiara are already in the twinkie, our beloved van, yelling at us to hurry up.

"Bro chill out!" I yell at them, still running. If Gary caught me I wouldn't be able to get away. Yeah, I'm fast but he's like 250 pounds and I'm about 5'5 and the size of a twig.

Jj, Pope, and I eventually get in the van. I take the front seat next to Humpty Dumpty and the two boys sit in the back with Kie.

Gary is still trying to chase after us, failing, miserably.

"Yo! Check out Gary! Gunnin for a raise!" Pope laughs.

"Hey, John B! Slow down! Slow down!" Jj demands, still laughing. "Come here! Come here, boy!" Jj jokes through the van door.

"Jj, stop! You're gonna give him a heart attack!" Kiara says.

Jj tosses him the empty beer and says "Oh c'mon the don't pay you enough bro!"

"Jj, stop." Kie says seriously.

"That kind of initiative, he's just begging to be punished." Jj laughs.

I was barely listening to their conversation, when I realized that one of my bracelets was missing. "Shit." I scoff

"You good?" Pope asks from the back seat.

"Yeah, no. Its just my bracelet is gone. You know? The yellow one with the black lace at the end?"

"No, you didn't." Pope informs me. He hands me my bracelet, "It fell off when you jumped the fence. I picked it up."

"Thanks, Pope." I smile.

"Aww look at the love birds." Jj jokes.

"Shut the hell up before I beat your ass." I groan

"Yolo!" Jj laughs.

John B continues driving the twinkie as we pass the welcome sign to the outer banks.

The outer banks. Paradise on earth.

Its the sort of place you either have 2 jobs or 2 houses. 2 tribes 1 island.

Alright, so there's figure eight. The rich side of the island.

Home of the Kooks.

They pretty much think the Pogues are equal to the devil.

So, guess where we don't live?

Then, we have the Southside. Or the cut. Home of the workingclass who make a living of washing tables, busting yachts, working charters.

Home of the, drumroll please,

The pogues, thats us.

The pougies, the pogues, the throwaway fish. So, the downside of pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. The upside of pogue life? We're ignored and neglected.

That means we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.

-1037 words

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