Chapter 8, Part 11

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"DW: I say we question Rowan Delacroix, just to make sure that their story corroborates with Ms

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"DW: I say we question Rowan Delacroix, just to make sure that their story corroborates with Ms. Fitzpatrick's." @kilarthmac on Instagram


*Rowan picks at his cuticles as Daphne looks through her notes, and Rufus presses play on the camera.*

ROWAN DELACROIX: Where did you get that blouse, Officer Winograd? It looks positively ravishing on you.

DAPHNE WINOGRAD: *blushes* Oh, well, thank you, Rowan. It's actually just from the clearance rack at Macy's.

RD: Well, you wear it so confidently that it could be a piece of high fashion.

DW: *laughs, flustered* Why, thank you, Rowan.

RUFUS CLIFFORD: Ahem... this is Detective Clifford and Detective Winograd interviewing Rowan Eugene Delacroix regarding the murder of Brad Everton. The date is December 24th, at 12:08 in the afternoon. *his stomach rumbles*

RD: You should get yourself a sandwich, Officer Clifford. It's lunchtime. I don't want to be the reason you two are starving.

DW: I appreciate your concern, but I'd rather get this over with sooner than later.

RD: Suit yourself, I guess. *he gives them a winning smile* What would you like to know?

RC: Could you tell where you were this morning, up until the discovery of the body?

RD: Of course, I figured you'd start with that. Well, first, I woke up, burned some incense, and did my meditations for the day, to get me into the right headspace, you know? Then I drove to Happymart, and opened up the florist's station. I started making some last minute Christmas bouquet orders, right up until the screams.

RC: *nods* Anything else you did? Anything you saw, anyone you talked to?

RD: Well, I saw Beatrix Fitzpatrick briefly, about an hour after I opened up shop. We talked for a bit. We're good friends, her and I. Then, Christmas music started playing really loudly, right as Beatrix left, and I put in some headphones to block out the horrid sounds of yuletide. Then, only a few minutes after the music started, I heard the screams. That's about everything that I can recall. Anything else you'd like to know? 

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