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I try.

I try to look at the bigger picture, I try to work harder, I try to be better. But... I can't.

I sigh as I fall onto my bed. Life is too much. You know? It's tiring, a repeating cycle. How can someone ever be so productive and happy? I really wonder.

Can you already tell? I'm depressed. Death is a dream for me. Falling off a tall building in the city so I can enjoy a few seconds of freedom before dying. That sounds nice to me.

Yet for some unknown reason... I'm still living. I'm still breathing, converting oxygen to carbon dioxide with a pumping and healthy heart.

Especially during this time. A potentially deadly virus exists in the world and people need to be quarantined and treated if infected. It's a pandemic.

Symptoms like fever or chills, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and new loss of taste or smell may appear 2-14 days after exposure.

Quarantine hasn't been that bad. I didn't have a lot of friends like I used to anyway. I did the same thing all day but it's not like I could go out. The city was in lockdown and restrictions were put into place everywhere.

Yet people still went to go see their friends, and threw parties. Funny.

But... I had a lot of friends before. Then the pandemic hit, and I lost contact with all but one of them. Now I'm scared I'll lose her, too.

No, I don't want to cry. I hate crying. Look up.

"Y/n!" My Dad called.

I exhaled deeply before getting up and going to the kitchen to find him handing me a plate of dinner to me. Healthy ingredients, healthy nutrients.

We sat down at the table together, my Dad turning on the TV.

"A new LMV-19 vaccine has been complete and it's been announced that at least a dozen infected patients will be used as test subjects to prove the vaccine's efficiency. We have hope as the scientists said that this particular vaccine has had a higher success rate than the most recent ones. Our test subjects are excited for tomorrow, November 22nd, sure to be a historic day! And -"

My Dad turned off the TV. "That's all they talk about now. The vaccine."

"Mhm," I said, looking down at my plate and chewing kinda slowly.

"Something bothering you?"


"Is it Mom?"

"Of course not."

"These short answers aren't good enough. What's wrong, y/n?"

"Not enough sleep is all."

These short back-and-forth sentences were exchanged during dinner most of the time. There was nothing to talk about after all... besides my Mom and everything.

But I didn't lie though. I could never lie. I was truly tired and my eye bags became more prominent by the day.

And I loved my Dad, too. He was a good supporter and a caring parent. I couldn't ask for a replacement.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 (𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now