Chapter 28

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Hope y'all had a good Christmas! If you didn't fuck who ever made it suck! I need to see the Terms and Conditions for 2021 cause.......

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Sitting at the station Lucious drunk his water. Hakeem practically vibrating in his seat as they waited. Having sobered up from almost catching a beat down from him on the ride here. He was feeling like they should have rescued the girls themselves. No way in hell were they going to bring them home and the Feds not think it was staged. He needed them off him completely. Didn't mean he was done with them. He already had the commissioner wanting to settle for the city. He was excpeting no less than 10 mill.

Incentive for them to stay out his damn way for now on. They had to be tired of the same old get Lucious and fail shit. It was a waste of resources. The older he got the more he realized why godfathers kept their hands clean. He need to ascend to that level. Like a true mob boss things were handled without lifting a finger. It was the only way he could stay out of jail and keep out of trouble like Cookie wanted. They had a long conversation the night before about karma. She felt like her family was the bearer of all their misdeeds. At the sound of Bella's scream Lucious looked up.

"DADDY!" Her body running straight for Hakeem who eagerly met her. Squatting on the floor he hugged her tight looking for Rose. The youngest not as fast and not wanting Hakeem at all. She made a B-line for Lucious, in full blown tears. He picked her up feeling her cling to him like a koala.

"You're safe baby. Grandpa always got you." He voiced rubbing her back.

"Recommending the girls get checkups. They wouldn't answer any questions. Place was empty aside for these two banging on the door. We can wait till they are stable to file a report." Chance spoke, feeling the weight come off his shoulders. Nodding he shook the hand. Exiting the station on route home.

"Your moms gonna want both the girls in the mansion." Lucious spoke, brushing the hair out of Bellas face. Two kids latched onto him in the backseat while Hakeem drove.

"I know."

"Get yourself together. Stop all that drinking and shit." He added, not getting a response. Lucious rolled his eyes.

Hakeem had always been the problem child. Texting the group chat he let everyone know it was okay to head back to their places. To come by later to see the girls. He didn't want to overwhelm them. Especially not knowing what they endured. Pulling up to the house the girls walked up the stairs holding Hakeems hand. Lucious felt like he could breathe without police on his property. Hearing the front door open Cookie jumped up from the couch.

"My babies, come here. Let me look at you." She rushed out, a fresh onslaught of tears for two girls running up go her. She kissed their heads letting out a weighted breath. Reading a look from Lucious, she nooded.

"Come, lets get cleaned up." Cookie voiced leading them to the stairs. It broke her heart seeing them so dirty and distraught. Heading into her bathroom she decided to give them the works.

"Yall come in here." She called, helping get Rose undressed checking for injuries. She froze seeing Rose without panties.

"Where are your undies?" She asked softly.

"She peed on them. I told her to take them off." Bella interjected, Cookie sighed relieved.

Had it been anything else she would be on a murder spree. Getting Bella undressed she checked her for injuries not liking a bruise on her upper arm. Having them take a quick shower to get off the dirt, she ran them bath water. Dimming the lights and lighting some candles to relax them. Soft Jazz playing in the background. From the shower straight into the tub. Her babies were tired bags under their eyes. Sleep calling to them as she washed their hair. Scrubbing them down herself before letting then soak. Lucious coming in with sandwiches for them to eat.

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