30- Official?

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We lay in bed cuddling watching the new video he just posted it being us reacting/reading fanfiction. It ends and I grab the remote "wait" he says taking it from me and I furrow my brows "watch" he says "but it's over" "look" he says I nod and look at the tv again and then the part with his socials goes away showing a part of the video 'lets reenact this part' Colby says 'ok, what is it?' I ask and he reads the line 'Colby grabs Sam's neck and kisses him passionately' he reads then grabs my neck and I giggle and he pulls me close to him and we look into each other's eyes smiling before we kiss. Then the video ends before our lips touch "Colbs!" I squeal he chuckles "you wanted to make it public so kind of did" he says "do people even watch the ending?" he shrugs "some people do" I nod and he sits up and pulls me into his lap "promise me you wont listen to them again" he says seriously "I promise" he looks me in the eyes "Colbs I swear, I promise I won't if it gets too much I'll tell you I promise" he nods and kisses me softly "now let's act like we don't know what they are talking about when comment things about it" he says I giggle "ok" he pecks my lips and hugs me "I hope they accept me this time" I mumble into his neck "me too baby, me too" he says resting his head on mine. My bedroom door swings open and I jump "it's ok baby" Colby chuckles I giggle and look over seeing Devyn "did you guys just make it official!?" she asks exciedly "kinda" Colby says and I nod "it's all over social media already, they don't know if you kissed or not" Devyn says coming over showing us her phone it having screenshots of us his hand on my neck our lips almost touching but not quite there "we did but I cut it off before it" Colby says "ok but don't you guys think it's a little early?" she says concerned and I sigh "I thought so too but Sam really wanted to" Colby says "I just don't want to hide it anymore I don't like acting like we're just friends when we film or post anything on the internet" I say looking in my lap re thinking the whole thing "and that's ok Sammy, we're just worried" Devyn says I nod my eyes filling up with tears "hey, baby why are you crying?" Colby asks cupping my cheeks "I don't wanna do it anymore" I say letting a few tears slip "why not?" he asks wiping them "I-im scared" he frowns and pulls me into a hug "you'll be ok baby, I'll be with you through the whole thing I won't leave this time I promise" "yeah, and if he does I'll hurt him" Devyn says and I giggle a little Colby pulls me away and wipes my tears "if you don't wanna do it straight up we can do little hints kinda like we just did" he says and I nod "ok, we'll do that but if you ever just want to tell them we can" I nod "ok" he presses a kiss to my forehead and I hug him "thank you" I mumble he hums rubbing my back Devyn huffs and I giggle "what dev?" I say looking at her keeping my head on his chest "can we go to the mall?" she asks "no" I say and she huffs I giggle "I'm joking" she cheers pulling me out of bed "get dressed!" she says pushing me into the closet I giggle and close the door "you too!" she yells at Colby I shake my head softly and change.
I come out of the closet and Colby is getting dressed still I grab my phone putting it in my pocket then grab Colby's phone "thanks" he says taking it and kissing my forehead I hum and we go downstairs. "One of you better sit in the front with me" Devyn says opening the front door and we laugh leaving. I sit in the passenger seat and Colby sits behind me Devyn driving. Colby sticks his arm in the space between my seat and the door I giggle and hold his hand and I look back at him to see that his head is resting against the back of my seat and he's on his phone. Devyn turns on some music and we end up yelling the lyrics.

We soon get to the mall and we get out of the car and walk inside the mall and Colby grabs my hand interlocking our fingers I smile squeezing his hand and he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb "where to first?" Devyn asks "there" I say pointing to a store they agree and we go inside it. We look around the store looking at the clothes "what about this? you'd look good in it" Colby says grabbing a pair of camo joggers putting them up to me "yesss and then this to match it!" Devyn says grabbing a white tank top and putting it up to me "yeah, it looks good but when you wear it tuck it in" Colby says "ok, I'll get it" I say with a small smile he hums and takes the top from Devyn and he holds them for me grabbing my hand and we walk around again. Colby pulls me over to the jewelry and we look at them "how about this one?" I ask picking a ring up showing it to him he hums trying it on "doesn't fit" he says putting it back I nod and he grabs my hand again walking somewhere else.
We pay for my outfit the only thing we buy here and we leave the store "where to next?" Devyn asks grabbing my other hand holding it and I giggle "hot topic" Colby says walking to it and we follow since we're linked together by our hands "jeez does he always drag you around like a rag doll" Devyn asks and Colby looks over and chuckles seeing her holding my hand "don't hold his hand if you don't like it" he huffs I giggle "no" she huffs back and he huffs again and continues walking to hot topic. We walk around the store and as we are there's a squeal making me jump "it's ok baby" "it's ok Sammy" Devyn and Colby say at the same time and they both glare at each other I giggle "Colby?" we look over seeing a girl around maybe 15 and she has a big smile on her face "hey" he says with a smile and she hugs him tight and he lets go of my hand hugging her back "what's your name?" he asks when she pulls away "l-lexi" she says wiping her tears. They take a picture after talking for a little and she comes over and hugs me and Devyn and she takes a picture with us as well "I have a question" she says "what's up?" Colby asks "are you guys dating?" she asks and Colby chuckles "if we were to tell you would you keep it from everyone else?" Colby asks "yep" she says "we're not" I say and she huffs "darn, nice meeting you guys, but I have to go" she says giving us one last hug "bye" we say and she waves leaving the store "I was gonna tell her that we were" Colby says grabbing my hand "I know but she was gonna tell people, she was recording I seen her phone" he hums "ok, sorry" he says "it's ok Colbs" he nods and squeezes my hand and pulling me somewhere making Devyn let out a squeak since she wasn't paying attention and almost fell as she's still holding my hand and we laugh at her "c'mon dev" I giggle pulling her over she huffs "stop dragging us!" "let go of his hand!" "no!" he huffs and starts walking out of the store I giggle "let go" he groans pulling me to him "no you let go!" she argues pulling me to her "stop!" I squeak when Colby pulls me again "he's my boyfriend!" "stop!" I yell "he's my best friend!" she pulls me "he's mine!" he yells pulling me "I had him first!" they both pull on my arms "let go" Colby says frustrated "no!" I huff and pull my arms back making them both fall back from how hard they were pulling on me "Sam!" they both yell and I huff walking away "baby!" Colby yells "Sammy come back!" Devyn yells after but I keep walking. "Baby c'mere!" Colby yells "please Sammy!?" I stop and turn around and Colby runs up to me hugging me tight "what's wrong baby?" he asks rocking side to side "I didn't like it" I mumble "didn't like what?" Devyn asks "you guys fighting over me" I say "it hurt" I mumble after "oh, I'm sorry baby" Colby says hugging me tighter kissing the top of my head "yeah, we were playing around, we didn't mean to hurt you Sammy" Devyn says and I nod looking up at Colby with my chin on his chest "aw baby, don't cry" he says cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears that fell "we're sorry baby, we didn't know we were hurting you" I nod "it's ok" I say and he pecks my lips "c'mon let's go shop some more" he says patting my butt I nod and pull away from the hug and he grabs my hand interlocking our fingers Devyn doing the same with my other hand and I giggle and we continue shopping.

Reunited {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora