scene ii.i

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A U G U S T, 1 9 7 5

S U M M E R, B A L L

VENUS WAS ENJOYING the ball very much. The green eyed girl had been dancing with the marauders and Regulus all night. Suddenly, Cygnus raised his glass while slightly hitting a fork on it. The whole crowd fell silent just in time to see the Malfoy's walking in.

Venus's heart skipped a beat when she saw Lucius's perfectly combed platinum hair walk up to the man.

"Today, we are here for a special occasion. A special day, you might say. Today, two people while begin a new journey. A journey of love and passion. Through high and lows, they will always be there for each other", the Black kept saying as Lucius didn't even look once at his girlfriend of 4 years.

"Today, we celebrate the union between my daughter Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy."

That was it for Venus. Her whole world came crashing down at her feet, it seemed as the clocks had stopped ticking around her and time was moving painfully slow.

Cheers erupted but Venus could barely hear them, their voice were nothing compared to the sound of her heart breaking.

She felt every single piece of her heart shattering like glass.

The girl could barely process what Cygnus Black had said. The only thing she saw was her boyfriend, smiling wildly at the crowd who lifted their champagne glasses.

Venus saw Lucius smiling at Narcissa before kissing her cheek.

Venus saw how Remus had his fist curled up in a ball, anger consuming every inch of his body. From the top of his head to the sole of his feet. How Sirius was sending killer glares at the Malfoy boy. James Potter pressed a hand on his best friends arm as she seemed to come back from her transe like state.

Her mind and heart stayed in that ball room. Her body, however, ran out of it.

Venus pushed through the crowd, trying to get out before the sobs were too loud. Lucius watched as his girlfriend ran out of the room, his heart shattering in a million pieces.

And though there were things in life he wanted to give up, Venus was never one of them.

The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds.

The taste.

The smell.

Everything was just gone.

She paused trying to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside her but couldn't. A lone tear traced down her cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened.

So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down Venus's pale face. Her chin trembled as if she was a small child. Her breathing was heavier than it had ever been before.

She was gasping for air that simply wasn't there. Her throat burned forming a silent scream.


A masculine voice questioned as she recognized Regulus's voice. "What?", she asked as the boy walked closer to her.

"Look at me"

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