[ 3.30 ] - Intermediate: Happier

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Intermediate: Happier

[ 3.30 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 12

"You look happier."

Turning to my left, I glanced at Xael with bright eyes as I hummed in agreement.

"Of course!" I chirped. "You also look happier."

Glancing my way, he gave a small nod in agreement before turning back towards the front, taking long and steady strides to match my fast pace.

"Naturally, it is all thanks to you."

I didn't bother denying his thanks and just grinned. "You just happened to also reap the benefits, but you're most welcome!"

Since my confrontation with Xael's fangirls, not only have they left me alone, but they've also began to give Xael space as well.

Initially, we were both surprised, but it seems like they've taken my words deeply into consideration which I am grateful for.

"Do you resent them?" I could hear the curiosity in Xael's voice, but I confidently shook my head. Feeling his eyes watching me, I turned to meet them as I answered his question.

"I don't resent them. I can see that they've learned their lesson so there's no need for me to waste energy to do so. At most, it was just dirty looks so there really was no harm done."

"I see..."

We steadily fell into a comfortable silence until we reached the gym. With a quick farewell, I watched him walk off towards the entrance before heading inside to face the chaos the whole team was currently facing.

With only a week or two until final exams, mostly everyone on the team was panicking to fill their brains with knowledge.

The team was spread out into three groups based on class and there were five obvious figures leading them.

Leading the third-years was Carhee with Ryun as her assistant. Both were at the top of their class with Carhee first and Ryun followed after. The other third years all sat on the gym floor in their uniforms, diligently listening and writing down notes while Carhee gave a detailed summary of their math course. On the side, Ryun kept an eye on the camera and was typing away on his laptop.

Similarly, the second and first years were structured the same, led by the fourth and twelfth ranked students.

For the first years, the group was naturally led by Litheon who was excellent at capturing the attention of his audience, but also at giving the most important points with detailed and clear explanations.

My entrance was quickly noticed by him and he quickly ushered me over as he sat me down at the laptop much like Ryun was. I received his instructions as I pulled out my reading glasses and quickly started typing away as I listened to Litheon lecturing our peers, but soon he became silent.

I looked up with confusion and stared at Litheon with question. His expression was unusually stern as he stared down at the boys and clicked his fingers impatiently.

"Pay attention unless you don't want to participate in the official season next semester."

I turned to the others and saw some looking at me in a daze, some embarrassed while others just smiled brightly, unaffected.

"It's strange to see Ryenne in glasses is all." One admitted, causing Litheon to roll his eyes.

"They've existed for months now. It's nothing new." He tells them blandly. Clapping his hands together, he quickly regathered their attentions and continued onto the next subject.

Each group continued until late in the day until the sun set and we had to wrap up with the intentions of doing the same the next. It wouldn't be wrong to say that by the time we reach the end of the week, we would become zombies.

7 July x029

Author's note:
It's the last chapter of the year!!!
Happy New Years everyone! Wherever you are in the world, I hope you're having a safe new year!
This was kind of a filler chapter, but it was necessary of course!
I hope you enjoy it none the less!

Are you excited for 2020 to be over?


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