Chapter 8

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The bell rings. The weekend here I come. I walk out of class and try to find Ski.
She probably is still picking up her stuff.
"Let's Go." Calum said scaring the hell out of me.
"But Ski is.." He cut me off.
"I don't care about ski. Can we please just go?" He pouted.
"What did you do?" I asked.
My brother always gets into trouble then never shoes up for his punishment.
"I did nothing." He lied.
Before I could answer he grabbed my arm and tried to drag me out of school. Fail!
"You leave me no choice." He said.
Calum picked me up and carried me out of the school.
"Calum!!" I screamed.
Everyone was staring at us. I was not liking the attention. At All!
He finally put me down once we were across the street from our School.
"I may of.... glued Michael's hand to his pencil." Calum admitted.
Before I could reply we saw Mikey crossing the street.
"Let's run." We both said.
Our house wasn't too far away from the school. Plus I used to run in track. We got there in 10 minutes.
We quickly got in and locked the door.
"That's was a workout." I said trying to catch my breath.
Calum just nodded.
"Anyways I got to get ready for a party." He said.
"Ok I am just going to watch American Horror Story in my room." I said.
I started to make my way to my room but Calum stopped me.
"Did I say I, I meant we." He said.
I sighed. Calum always makes me do stuff I don't want to do.
"Get dressed. And don't wear that." He teased.
I guess I was going to a party. I walked into my room and opened my closet. I picked out the perfect outfit.
(The picture on the side.👐)
Once I had my outfit on, I straighten my hair. Of course I put on some make up.
I am all ready to go. I walked out of my room and walked into the kitchen.  "Calum are you ready?" I asked from the kitchen.
He yelled back "Yeah."
He walked in and he was wearing some ripped skinny jeans and a Nirvana shirt.
"Luke should be here in.." Luke cut him off.
Luke knocked on the door.
"He is here." Calum said.
We both opened the door and walked out.
"You look pretty." Luke complimented
I smiled.
"Thanks you too." I said.
"I look pretty?" He asked.
I laughed.
"So you too a thing yet?" Calum asked.
"Um I don't know." I said
"We still have to see if it works out" Luke said while giving me a wink.
Luke gave me playful hug then we three continued walking to the party.
"Where is the party place?" I asked.
"At Ashton's house." Luke said.
Ashton always throws parties.
"Who is going to be there?" I qusetioned.
"Humans" Calum joked.
"Well duh" I said back.
Luke smirked.
It was 6:00  when we got there.
And the party was just staring .
There were only 10 people there so far. But that will change

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