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Harry Styles

"Tom." Aaliyah says sternly. I had no idea who this guy was.

I stood behind the door because whatever this was seemed a bit personal. I loved back with Cayden in my arms and tried to distract him by making him laugh. I tickle him under his chin with my forefinger and he giggles, giving me views to a few small teeth that were poking through.

"Come with me." Aaliyah says as she grabs my arm and drags me into Cayden's room. As Cayden gets in view of the door he begins to cry, I have no idea why. Maybe this kid didn't like whoever Tom was either.

As we go into Cayden's room Aaliyah takes him from my arms and rushes over to put him in his cot.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"That's my dad." She says while trying to put Cayden back to sleep so he didn't have to be awake for whatever was going on.

"Your dad?" I whisper to try and contribute to Cayden going to sleep.

"Yes. And let's just say. We don't like him." She says as she faces back to look at me. The moment she removes her hand from Cayden's back he gets unsettled and begins to cry.

"Do you want me to-"

"No it's fine." She pants from being out of breath do to evident stress. My heart broke for her but suddenly pieced back together as I see her swiftly take Cayden under the arms and cradle him.

I look at her as she bounces Cayden lightly up and down in her arms and strokes his head. She walks to the back of his room and unlocks his bifolding doors. She steps out onto his small balcony and catches her breath slightly. I go to walk out of the room to give her some time alone and says

"He hit my mum."

I felt my heart sunk. I finally understood as to why she was so upset yesterday, her family is breaking and her brother is evidently the only thing keeping her together in the crumbling world of hers. I had no idea what to say because I simply could not say "I understand." Because truth being said, I could not.

I'd never be able to understand how she feels and what it must be like to have your family break apart, especially when you're made aware through physical appearances instead of a calm sit down talk about it.

"He hit her?" I say as I turn around to go walk back to her. She didn't look back at me. She rested her head on Cayden's and swayed him side to side gently.

"I don't know why. I don't know what and I don't know how." She says monotone.

I didn't know what to say back to that so instead I pecked a small kiss on her forehead.

"I'll go check on your mum yeah? Give you some time with monkey." I say trying to take some weight off her shoulders.

"Please do." She says with a hint of guilt. I nod and form my lips into a line before walking out of Cayden's room. I turn around before leaving and see her staring into nothing but the blank space.

I exhale a deep sigh without her hearing because I missed her. It feels as though I haven't heard her laugh in years even though it's only been 2 days. I missed her poetical speaking, right now she spoke nothing but dull words. Don't get me wrong, I don't love her any less at all. I just miss her spirit. Her spirit.

I walk out the door slowly and leave it ajar as I head round the corner to see Elora still stood with her eyebrows knitted together in a sense of anger.

"Did I do that?" Tom asks while rubbing his plans together, hinting at the bruise on the side of Eloras cheek.

"No tom. It just popped up one day to say hi. Yes you did it. Now get the fuck out of here." She says as she goes to slam the door. Toms right palm forces it open. It was easily identifiable that Elora didn't want his presence and neither did Aaliyah.

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