We'll Help You

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A taxi parked in front of a dark alleyway. Andrew paid the driver, and highlighted from the taxi.

It was an alleyway of prostitutes and whores.

Andrew took a deep breath and stepped further into the alley.

He pulled out a picture of Becky and started asking the people there if they had seen her around, they all shook their heads.

Gaul took a bottle of whiskey, a photo album and his glasses, then sat at his coffee table.

[Y/n] sat on her sofa, with her own photo album, opening it up.

Gaul turned the first page of the photo album and the first picture there was one of him and [Y/n].

It was their honeymoon, and they were in Paris.

The couple were in a lip lock with smiles on their faces, as they stood in front of the Eifel tower.

[Y/n] turned the page of her photo album and the next picture there was one of her, Gaul and Selwyn.

They looked so happy in the photo, with her and Gaul sitting at both sides of the little boy, while giving him kisses on each of his cheek.

Andrew continued the search for his daughter, paying some people just to get information. But he got the same result, no one had seen her.

After his family photos, the next photos that took up the last parts of Gaul’s photo album were photos of all the kids he had rescued from the hands of sex traffickers.

[Y/n] sighed as she saw the newspaper clippings in the photo album.

It was her and Gaul’s last job, before they finally quit.

On the paper was a photo of Victor’s mom hugging her son happily with the headlines:


Gaul stared at the picture of Victor and his mom intensely, and then grabbed his whiskey bottle and took a gulp.

Andrew pasted pictures of Becky on the poles and walls of the alley.

[Y/n] wiped the tears from her eyes as her phone rang.

“H…hello.” She said sniffling.

“Hey [Y/n], it’s Juan Cho.”

“Oh hi Juan Cho.”

“Are you okay? It’s sound as if you’re crying.”

“No I’m…I’m okay. It’s just…allergies.”

“Oh okay. So we’re still going to dinner tonight right?”

“Yeah of course we are.”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up in maybe……30 minutes top?”

“Sure. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Bye.” She sighed as she hung up.

Then she picked up her photo album from the table, and went upstairs to go get ready for her date.

Gaul held the photo in his hand as he took another gulp of his whiskey. He gripped the whiskey bottle tightly as his whole body shook terribly.

Andrew stood in front of yet another man, trying to describe what Becky looked like, but the man said he hadn’t seen her.

[Y/n] entered her bathroom, and then sighed. She ran a hand through her head tiredly, but then shook her head and stepped into the bathtub.

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