Team Bakugou vs Team Tanjiro

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Tanjiro POV

   Soon it was up to me and we were put into teams of capable people.  The hero group Me and Momo, and the villain group Bakugou and Mina.  Soon the villains were done hiding there weapons and I stepped out into the sun.  "Ok then let's do this."

   Stepping out onto the building I looked to Momo as she looked at me.  "I have a small plan.  Do you wanna hear it or do I have a plan to say first?" I whisper enough for her to hear, but not for anyone else.  "Sure I don't have much of a plan, " Momo nods keeping quiet as I smile a little. 
   "Ok, so with your quirk can you make me a sword about 18-20 inches long?" Tanjiro says sizing it out with his hands.  Momo nods started to make the sword as Tanjiro continues, "I have a good sense of smell so I should be able to detect where they are and what room the bomb is in.  If I am correct only Bakugou knows I have no quirk.  Mina might suspect it from what I said in the classroom or if Bakugou tells her.  We might be able to use that to our advantage."  Momo hands me the sword as I give it a swing. 

   "Perfect.  Bakugou will probably try a sneak attack and from what I can tell will lead with some sort of right hook, " I said as we walk to the front.  "You seem to keep watch like Deku does and take notes, " Momo chuckled a little walking into the building side by side with me.  "Yeah, kinda.  It turned natural when I had to start fighting demons they normally have odd abilities.  One of them could move rooms around and flipping them with his drums.  It is odd some of their powers, "  I ramble a little as Bakugou walks up behind us. 

   I quickly smell him and give Momo a signal hoping she takes the hint.  She nods and I turn around holding my blade spreading my legs apart.  "You have a distinct small Bakugou.  Coming from behind will not work, " I say as be charges at me.  "I guess I have been caught, so now I can actually fight.  That hurt the other night and now I am gonna beat you into a pulp, "  Bakugou throws a right hook as I dodge it and hit him with the Hilt of my sword again in the back. 

   "Momo the bomb is on this floor somewhere to the right.  I got interrupted trying to find it.  Go ahead and look for it.  I will be fine here, " I give Momo he info and went back to dealing with Bakugou.  "You can't just hit me then ignore me you stupid brat, " Bakugou yelled lighting sparks and hitting my back.  I flinch and turn around slicing his bombs around his fists breaking them.  I stand up straight again picking up part of his bomb.  I throw it into his eye quickly running behind him and hit him with the hilt again on the back of his head this time. 

   The red-eyed teen turned his hand back behind him pretending to put it to his head and instead fired an explosion at me.  "You son of a bitch.  Stop playing and get out your normal sword.  Use those weird water abilities and fight me, " Bakugou yelled as my eyes widened.  "How.Do.You.Know.That?" the atmosphere quickly changed as Bakugou smirked.  You practiced this morning.  Normally I do early morning training too.  I heard you and looked outside and you used that water wheel thing, " Bakugou walked up to me and pinned me to the wall by my neck. 

   "Well I was going to keep that a secret, but you saw it.  I refuse to use it against you though.  Those moves slice demons in half and their heads clean off.  I am not killing anyone today, " I sigh as I hit him with the hilt on his stomach and head again.  I hit him on his head once more causing things to start to blur for him.  He still focused enough to blow my arm up.  My arm was still attached, but burned really bad.  He quickly fires again at my leg went I reached my hand to my arm. 

   The blond burnt my leg a little, and I hit him with the hilt again.  Momo talked through her ear piece to me as I paused hearing her voice for a second, "I found the bomb Mina is gliding around the room huffing about Bakugou.  I am going to go in my main problem will be if Bakugou games after me with Mina.  Are you doing ok?" 

Demon Slayer x Bnha CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now