Chapter 17 - Specs

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- Chapter 17 - A Sick Boyfriend -
Warnings: Sick Romeo?
Third Person POV

Specs loves happy endings.

Like every Newsie knows, he loves reading.

He really liked the books that had happy endings, and even though 'Romeo and Juliet' doesn't have a happy ending, he still loves it.

He had always wondered why he felt so connected to it.

He found why when he found out he and Romeo were soulmates.

When he had told Romeo, Romeo just chuckled.

And even though Romeo's real name isn't Romeo, he still loved it.

Speaking of soulmates-


Specs turns to Anthony, confused. "Yeah?"

Anthony looked guilty and panicked. "Romeo and I- we were tapping-"

Specs cuts him off. "You tap?"

"Tell anyone and I will- will-" Anthony stops, defeated. "Just don't tell anyone." Specs nods. "Romeo just collapsed."

Specs stands up quickly. "What?!"

Anthony panics. "I'm not sure what happened. Buttons and Tommy boy told me to go get you while they bring him to the living room."

Specs nods, putting his book down and a bookmark in it. "Come on Anth, we're gonna go see him and figure out what's wrong."

Anthony nods, and the two boys leave the room.

They get downstairs after a minute.

They found Romeo laying on the couch, with Buttons and Tommy boy talking to him to try to keep him awake.

A few other boys were trying to ask what happened, but Tommy boy and Buttons were more focused on making sure Romeo was okay and awake.

"Ro!" Specs exclaims, running over to him.

Romeo sends a weak, cheeky smile to his boyfriend. "Hey- Specsie."

Specs sits down next to his boyfriend. "Ro, what happened?"

"I don't know," Romeo pauses, cringing in pain. "One second I'm tapping, laughing, and having a lot of fun, and then next everything goes black. I woke up here and in a lot of pain."

Before Specs can say anything else, Jack comes into the room, also looking panicked. "What happened?"

Romeo repeats what happened for Jack, who looks confused.

He didn't know what happened, he wasn't a medic. He was just as clueless as everyone else.

Jack presses the back of his hand against Romeo's head, immediately pulling it away. "Jeez Ro, you're burning up!"

Specs looks at his boyfriend warily, whilst his boyfriend just shrugs. "What can I say, I'm smoking."

A few of the boys chuckle. Specs shakes his head, laughing. "You are something else, Ro."

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