14 : Mild

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Mild decided to visit his Bro and apologise for what happen. He regrets what he does. It is so shameful!!!

His dad is so angry with him. He told him that he won't talk to him untill he apologise to his big brother.

Now mild is getting dressed to go. He is really nervous. He is wondering how is gulf?!

Mild pov

Is he already dead!? He is an asshole but he has a childish heart!!!! Oh God!!!

Have some mercy on my stubid friend. Being married to my brother is a hell itself!!!!!!!

Mild reached the mansion. The gate open for his car. He got down from the car with a worried face. He entered searching for anyone with his eyes.

He doesn't find anyone. No sounds to any one. It is so quiet inside.

"Did mew kill him?! My poor bestie!!! U should rest in peace!!!!!!!"mild is in his weird world when he heard gulf shouting

"No Mew..... Please.... Please.. No no..."

Mild hurried to outside. His friend 'voice came from the garden. Is his Bro that crul!!!! Raping his won husband in the garden!!!!

When mild came to the garden he froze in his spot!!!
What is the fucking is that!?!?!?

He is friend is apove his brother closing his eyes. Mew' s hands around his waist forcing his to be closer!!!!

"P'meeeeeeww!!!!!!!!" shouted mild his lungs out.

The couple were in their own world. It is going like a beautiful moment for both of them untill mild came. He has a diffident point of view.

When mewgulf heard mild shouting they landed on reality!!!
Both of them looked at him with a shock in their face.

Mild ran towards them grabbing gulf to stand. He stood in front of the sitting mew with a so much angry face.

"How could u do that!!?! Ha?!....... I thought u are a wise guy who think before doing any step.. But I was wrong..... U r fucking trying to rape your own husband!!!?????......

HERE!!!?! IN THE GARDEN!!!!?? I NEVER THOUGHT U R THIS CHEAP" mild face turned to red due to his anger.

That's so much for him. It is the first time to shout like that.
Mewgulf looked at him with a what is the heck face?!

Mew is still on the ground looks like he is gonna kill his brother for sure. He is shouting and accusing him to rape gulf!!!!!!

"mild.... Mild... Look at me it's not like whta u think..... Mmm. Uhmm......i just slipped and fall in the ground.... Yes yes.... Just fell!!!"

Gulf is stuttering badly. He is so embarrassed to be caught in that kind of situation while the other sitting man is still silent.

Mild : Gulf!!! How can u say that?! I saw him by myself.... I am so disappointed......

And u!!!! U r defending him!!!!what he did to u!! Where is the gild I know?! Who won't let any one treat him like that!!!!!
Mild is still shouting here and there. All gulf's tries is in vail.

Mew is hearing all his words with an anger in reading inside him. He just don't want to explode on his lil bro. He needs to let these feeling to go out. He needs to calm down to be able to talk with this lil idiot in front of him.

Now, Mew has enough of mild shouting. He is getting a headache. He thinks he needs to stop this now.... Right now....

Mew stood up suddenly making mild shut up with a step back. Mild can fight but not against mew and he knows that. But mew in the other hand has already another plan!!!!

TAMING My wifey ; Gulf (completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن