🦖🦕CHAPTER 48🦖🦕

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Tsukishima just gave me a hickey

My gosh

"Why are you acting so strange?" I asked him.

"Uhm is it bad to love my girlfriend?" he said and smirked.

"ok, let me go now" I said and wiggled my body and he set me free. I took my phone and check the hickey that he put.

"damn, are you out of your mind? We have a match tomorrow" I said while touching the hickey.

"At least they know that you're mine" he said and smirked and I rolled my eyes. I check the time and it's already 6:15.

"Hey, you need to go home now" I said and feed the fish.

"you don't want me here?" he said

Gosh here we go again, he's acting like a baby

"I want you here, but your parents must be worried" I explained.

"tch whatever, you just don't want me here" he said and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his bag and about to leave but I stopped him by hugging him.

"fine, you can stay" I said and I felt his body vibrating so I looked up to him and saw him chuckling. I released him from my hug and he sat on my bed and grabbed his notebook throw it to me.

"geez, you don't have to throw it. " I said and rolled my eyes. Rex came to my room and barked. I lift her and place her on my lap and pet her.

"Be a good girl, I'm going to finish my thesis" I said and I heard Tsukishima 'tch'.

*Timeskip After Working The Thesis*

I'm done with my thesis, it's already 8:15.

"you want to eat dinner?" I asked him and he shook his head no and I nodded.

Tsukishima's POV:

Y/N is busy babying Rex

That should be me~

"Hey, can you put that brat down?" I said and rolled my eyes.

"and why should I do that?" she said and raised her eyebrows.

"It's such an eyesore," I said and frowned.

"aww, my baby Kei is jealous of my baby Rex" she said teasingly and smirked.

"tch, whatever" I said.

"aww, come here my baby Kei" she said and walked towards me with open arms. She hugged me but I didn't hug back.

"We need to sleep now, we have a big day tomorrow" she said and I just nodded. She places her head on my chest and that gives me butterflies.

I brushed her hair with my fingers and let her sleep. I kissed her head and closed my eyes and sleep.

Your Baby Kei~ (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now