Chapter 25

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I just got read and I then headed out of the familia and started to walk to where monsterfila is going to take place at.

Time skip.

After a while eating messing around with random people and just having fun I hear.

Loki: I thought that was you.

I turned around to see goddess Loki.

Bell: oh hi miss Loki.

Loki: just Loki bell.

Bell: so how'd you'd find me?

5 minutes before hand.

Loki's POV.

I was currently chewing out freya.

Loki: freya I know for a fact you got an eye on bell I going to let you know this he's my child and nothing will change that unless bell decides to leave on his own free will.

I saw her take a sip of her wine as she then says.

Freya: to be honest I have kept an eye on him only for a couple of reasons.

Loki: and what pray tell are those reasons if I may ask.

Freya: well he does have a pure white soul not even a baby has one and yet he does.

This actually caught my attention I've never even heard of a mortal having one and yet bell does.

Loki: ok then what is the other reasons.

Freya: his progress is very exceptional at this rate he could level up in I'd say 2 more months and I would be willing to bet if a challenge was to how should I say this come about very suddenly I wouldn't be in the least surprised to see him surpass his own limits to over come said challenge.

I then saw her looking down somewhere on the ground I followed her eyes as my met a mop of white hair my eyes widened at this as i then looked at her in the eyes and I say to her.

Loki: you didn't.

Freya: I honestly have no idea what you mean.

Loki: freya bell is still healing from a cursed weapon that stabbed him if he try's to fight he could die!

I saw her eyes widened slightly at this but a smirk slowly got on to her face as I then ran out of there to go make sure bell's fine.

Present time.

Bell's POV.

Loki: oh well I just happened to find you now that I have we need to get out if he-

*crash boom smash*

We both looked to where we heard that and we both see.

I felt a jolt of fear go down my spine as I looked up at this silverback I then saw it looking directly at me and goddess Loki I grabbed her and put over my shoulder as I then started running away from it as well as did the crowd but out of everyo...

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I felt a jolt of fear go down my spine as I looked up at this silverback I then saw it looking directly at me and goddess Loki I grabbed her and put over my shoulder as I then started running away from it as well as did the crowd but out of everyone it was coming after us I ran as fast as I could we took a bunch of corners around alleyways we finally found a place to rest as I put goddess Loki down I heard say as I felt myself crumble to the ground shaking I felt her put her hands on me and ask as we could hear the silverback looking for us.

Loki: bell you need to get it together you need to invade you need to fight it and kill it look at me.

I do so I looked at her in the eyes as I say.

Bell: g-goddess I'm sorry but I'm s-scared.

Loki: bell it's ok to be scared every now and then but you must learn to over come that to become stronger I know you can do this I believe in you you are my child.

Just then the wall we was behind was destroyed by the silverback sending goddess Loki to the ground and back 10 feet from me I looked back and looked up at the silverback as I slowly started to back away from it I saw starting to bring up it's fist but just then goddess Loki got in front of me holding out her arms I saw the tears in her eyes as she yells at the beast.

Loki: *tears in eyes* I will not let you hurt my child!!!!!

As the silverback launched it's fist at my goddess something in me snapped and i lunged at goddess Loki grabbing her and throwing her under the silverbacks legs and across the street in to a cart of hay but just then the silverbacks fist hit me sending me flying in to a building as I hit it I made a crater as blood left my mouth as I then see this.

-500 HP!

As I fell to the ground I knew I had to get up I need to protect my goddess I won't let anything anyone hurt her I shall be as brave as she is I'll grow strong enough to protect ever I'll do it for her as I slowly got up I say as I saw the ape going over to goddess Loki slowly.

Bell: get away from her you damn dirty ape DRAGONIC POWER!!!!!!

I then ran at it as it turned to me as I grabbed it's attention it launched another fist at me I dodged it by jumping over it's fist I then ran up it's arm as I then used this on its face.

Bell: take this you son of a bitch FIRE BOLT!!!

It stunned the beast as I then used this as I landed back down on to the ground.


As it hit the silverback and I saw that one of the blades hit it's muzzle and it spit It out it then tried to hit me again but I dodged it again as I then jumped up and kicked it right in it's chin send it to the ground with the force of said kick I then fell on to the ground as I planted it slowly got back up I then dodged another punch from it barely I jumped on to it's arm but before I could do anything it threw off it's an in to the sky and but I grabbed a convenient clothes line and I used it to sling shot myself at the beast and I then took out my two handed sword and griped it with both of my hands on it and I then sliced the silverback in right in half as I then fell to the ground I quickly put away my sword and ran over to goddess Loki tackling her in to a hug.

Author: how was this chapter?

Author: how's the story so far?

Author: what should happen next?

Author: what skills should he get?

Author: who should be in his adventurer party?

Author: who should be in his harem?

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