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I cheer with the team, all of us on cloud nine with the win. It was by far the hardest game we've ever played, but we managed to pull off the win.

There are handshakes, reporters talking to us, a few NFL recruiters talking to me, and finally my beautiful girlfriend cheering on the sidelines catching my line of sight. I run over to where she is and I toss my helmet to the ground, jumping up on the side. She wraps her arms around my neck and congratulates me, one of her hands grabbing my cheek.

Lexi kisses me quick and I tell her I'll call her later, her words agreeing. One more kiss and she lets me go, my body walking back to the team. We celebrate in the locker room and I take a shower, getting changed.

We go out to get a few drinks as a team and I celebrate with them, enjoying the feeling running through me. I just can't wait to finish my night beside my girl. I text her to let her know I'm at the bar with my teammates, and she tells me to have fun.

"Congrats guys," a few people coming up to us. I disregard the looks a few of the girls give me and I go back to talking to Hank, his questions about the NFL making me nervous. I'd never thought so hard about it, but I had two recruiters talking to me today.

"Hey," I hear, turning to see a girl walking towards us.

"How's it going?" Hank asks her, my eyes looking away from her. The two start talking and I drink from my beer, feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turn my body and see a different girl, her eyes looking up at me.

"Congrats on the win," she smiles, and I nod. I tell her thank you, and I feel her grab my arm.

"What are you up to tonight?" she asks, my arm pulling away from her.

"Meeting up with my girlfriend," I state firmly, her lower lip taken between her teeth. I frown, not realizing that could trigger the response she gives me.

"I don't see her," she says, and I push my beer on the bar. Her hand runs against my arm and I shove her away, possibly a little too hard than what I intended.

"Go find someone else," I state, a fearful look covering her features. I turn away from her and walk away, but my eyes land on my doe eyed girl. She has a puzzled look on her face and I walk over to her, Lexi looking up at me.

"What was she doing?" she asks, my jaw clenching. I explain the situation and she nods, grabbing my hand. I wrap my arm around her and hug her gently due to her healing injury, her hands running against my back.

"I just don't like seeing that stuff. You wouldn't either," she whispers, and I kiss the top of her head. The thought alone makes me angry; I'd hate to actually live it.

"I'm all yours darling. After a win, this shit always happens and I push them away. Always, always, always," I say, her head lifting.

"I trust you, baby. I just didn't like it," she says, sending me a smile. I lean down and kiss her, crouching because I'm scared to lift her still.

"You want a drink?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I'm still finishing the meds. I don't want to mix it with alcohol," she explains, and I nod. I take her over by my friends and I hold her in front of me, my arm wrapped around her chest. She and Joe have a spitfire conversation and I find it funny just how pissed off my 5'3 girlfriend can make him.

It gets pretty late and Lexi asks to stay with me, so we go back to my house. When I start telling her about the NFL recruiters, she gets really excited about it. We talk about what we talked about after the game and she stays attentive to me the entire time I'm talking.

"I'm so excited for you," she smiles, jumping into my arms. I hug her closely and whisper that I love her, her smile bright when she looks up at me.

"I love you more," she grins, my head shaking.

"Impossible," I smile, kissing her again. I make my mind up and lift her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. I lay her on my bed and we start to take off her clothes, her hands running all over my body was we do so.

"I don't wanna hurt you," I whisper on her neck, her hands running through my hair.

"I don't care," she breathes out, my lips kissing her chest shortly after. I rip her panties off and she gasps, my hand shoving my boxers off. I grab a condom from the drawer and roll it on, moving into her as soon as I get back to her.

I ask if she's okay and she nods, my body moving. My hand grabs a pillow and I put it under her head, her arms wrapping around me. Lexi starts to kiss my neck and I moan, loving the feeling.

My lips roam her body and she smiles, my hands grabbing hers. I hold them above her head and she starts breathe faster.

"Come with me," I whisper, her lips parted beneath my own. When we finish, I move off her and get rid of the condom, Lexi rolling on top of me. She starts to kiss over my face and I feel like today couldn't get any better, my heart so full.

"I want to ask you something," she says, my arm wrapping around her. My hands brush her hair away from her face and I hum, encouraging her to tell me.

"Do you think about us, you know, about the future?" she wonders, my eyes looking to hers. If only she knew how much I thought about it.

When I see my future, I can only think of having her by my side. I don't want her to go away and I hate it when we have to part whenever we do.

"All the time," I reply, her smile gorgeous when I tell her.

"I want you in mine. A long time," she tells me, my hands pulling her head down. I kiss her as a response and I hold her close, never wanting to let this feeling go. 

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