21.7K 219 17

There will be use of the following...

1. Drugs
2. Foul language
3. Sexual scenes
4. Rape/Sexual assault
5. Some kinks, dunno which ones yet

*seggs won't start until the second part because I felt icky writing about it while they're 15

If you do not feel comfortable with any of this, please click away now. It is not my intention to trigger anyone or have any hate towards me because of this.

IN ADDITION TO THIS, I will be using both the movie and books for these. Some chapters may be long (3,000 words) while others may be shorter (1,00 words), it all just depends on the overall vibe of the chapter and scenes.

LASTLY, I am in no way taking credit for anything I am only response for Amethyst and other side characters. Please enjoy the story. It may start off slowly but once I get the ball rolling it's pretty much downhill from there, I believe that it could be categorized as somewhat (edit: it is, jc it is slow) of a slow burn story, but that's up to you.

Thank you.

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